Hi PM Pals

Hope you all had a great Christmas. We had a quiet time. We couldn't go to the beach as the weather was so windy and cold. It was just a quiet time with my daughter and Grandson and my husband, Brian.

We are gradually sorting out everything. In a couple of months we are packing the car and taking the dog and just heading off into the sunset like Thelma and Louise. Our doc said it was the best thing we could do. Just walk away from the BBB
(Boys behaving badly) Our ferry tickets are booked and our first stop is in the area where Kay lives. We really miss each other. Within two seconds of being together we just laugh, and laugh and laugh. (LOL) That lady is pure tonic not to mention such a great friend.

Yesterday our old sheep and family pet Phoenix went to that great flock in the sky. I had to get the vet up to put her to rest. Pheonix was nearly l3 a Dorset Poll sheep and it was unusual for that breed to last so long. She left the farm next door and moved in with us years ago, deciding that our place was better than the abbatoir. No way she was going to end up as pet meat. She was so lovely and such a good watch dog. Even when someone switched the bathroom light on in the middle of the night she would let out her raucous Baaaaaaaaaaa. We will miss her but I am glad she is not in pain anymore she could not walk she was so bad with arthritis and had been hand fed for years with pellets and pasture supplement as she had no teeth. Yep, happens to us all as we age, the old teeth fall out!

I am feeling better and my depression has faded a bit now Christmas is over. If anyone can help me as to what to do about my sinking into the depths of despair over Christmas it would be a help. I think it dates back to my childhood I never had a good christmas.

We are all eagerly awaiting to see who will win the Sydney to Hobart yacht race. Woke up to the news of the assination in India. What a waste of life.

Take care all my pals. So great to have you all.




by jessie - 2007-12-27 11:12:36

i have a c.d. an old fashioned tree by gene autry. my daughter got it for me. don't sweat the smmall stuff. you had your daughter with you. go off into the sunset with billie and have fun love yourself. be happy. don't let what you don't have to upset you look at what you do have. a great husband that stuck by you thru thick and thin love,maureen aka jessie

Hello Friend!!

by Rewiredaussiegirl - 2007-12-28 08:12:07

Hi Billie,I
I am so sad to hear about old Phoenix.You must be really upset.We must have a chat over the weekend.
You are such a great friend and I am looking foward to your visit in April.
It is so hot here today and going to get hotter up until the New year.You will possibly get the same in Tassie.Our airconditioner is working overtime!
We have been following the Sydney to Hobart race as well.I know someone in the Hugo Boss yacht but they didnt get a place.
Take care .talk to you soon-Love from your friend Kay

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