
recently ive been extremely tired. I am never tired!!!! sometimes i can feel my heart fluttering and this morning i could feel my pacemaker kicking in u could see it kicking in to u could see my chest jumping. ive never ever felt it kicking in before i hardly notice its there. Do you think its worth bothering my doc about? or should i just ignore it for a little while longer and hope it goes away?


peace of mind

by lucybell - 2007-12-30 04:12:54

Well if I were you, I would call. You can always talk to a nurse- but honestly I go by the philosophy that this is their job:) And really I know that my doctor would want me to call if something like that was happening. If you don't call you will worry- I would call, get it checked and get some peace of mind. No sense wishing in 2 weeks that you had gone earlier. If it makes you feel better- I called my doctor b/c I had been exposed to someone with the stomach flu a week after I had my PM fixed to see what I should do if I get it. Call your doctor- it is not silly at all!


by louqueena - 2007-12-30 06:12:29


When I had those symptoms, especially the fluttery sensation and being able to see the chest move, it turned out to be atrial fibrilation, so I would definitiely check it out with your doctor.


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Hi, I am 47 and have had a pacemaker for 7 months and I’m doing great with it.