Right temple pain pre-and-post

For a few months prior to my implant I had a strange fairly continuous pain in my right temple, immediately to the side of my right eye.  I had a couple of doctors insist that it was templar arteritis and just as many insist that it was not.  I saw a neurologist due to "alternate migraines" with a 'swimmy" area in my vision that grew to a larger and larger "C" and then passed out of my field of vision.  It had no associated pain.  I had no elevated blood values that corresponded to a diagnosis of arteritis.  A light stroking of the skin produced pain but a massaging action on the same spot had almost no pain and it would decrease after several seconds of that massaging.  After my implant I noticed that the pain had reduced.  After several days the pain was almost completely gone and continued to decrease.  Now, three weeks after implant the pain is gradually returning - not to the same level but probably 50%.  The only thing I've found remotely related that could be possible is what's known as refractive pain.  I have a cataract in my right eye that was put on hold during the excitement and I'm waiting to get released for that surgery.  Anyone here have any knowledge of this strange problem?  It's a little unnerving that several doctors had no idea what it could be, or they seized upon a diagnosis without sufficient symptoms to do so.  A couple wanted to do biopsies of my right temple over my ear - where there was NO pain.  Sorry for the long ramble.

thanks, in advance 




by new to pace.... - 2022-06-27 16:30:19

sorry to hear of your problems.  the pain in your temple might be stress and the only way i know how to remove is to  massage the area.

   As to the "swimmy" might be from floaters in your eye.  If you have not seen a retina specialist suggest that you do so.  The floaters can  be removed. I had that done feel so much better.  After your cataract is removed would also help your vision which might reduce the pain in your temple.

new to pace


by new to pace.... - 2022-06-27 18:31:42

I also find it is a sign that i am dehydrated.  If i can, i immediately drink about 12 ozs of water and recline within about 10 minutes all is fine. 

new to pace

Optical migraines

by AgentX86 - 2022-06-28 00:12:26

Lavender has this one nailed. I used to get these when I was in my 30s-40s but have had only one in the past ten years. They're scarry at first and you really don't want them while diving but, in themselves, aren't considered to be serious.


by zmartmoney - 2022-06-28 18:50:47

Lavender - you nailed this exactly.  I could not have described it better.  Thanks for the info and search terms.  The temple pain is another matter and may not be related.  I haven't had any doctor or acquaintance offer a reasonable explanation.

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