I got a new toy

Hello everyone,

You may have read my recent post in which I said that the Energizer Bunny had died. On December 21, after 10 years, I got a new pacemaker. Two days later, I received a box from Medtronic. It contained one of those SmartLink remote monitoring devices. I had a few things on my mind, and I just put it under the Christmas tree.

Naturally, I opened the box on the 25th and set the whole thing up.

I AM IMPRESSED. Things have certainly evolved in the last 10 years. It was so easy to download the app and get the gadget running that EVEN I (who has no idea how to use my smart tv other than with basic cable service) had no trouble! In 15 minutes, I had the thing running smoothly.

My recovery is going great, and I would like to reassure anyone who may feel anxious about a recent or upcoming pacemaker implant. This is proven technology. I have had very few issues and my last faceplant was just over a decade ago, a few days before they gave me my new  little friend.



Great News

by quikjraw - 2020-12-29 17:27:35

That's a very positive post Édouard,

Have a great new Year!

Sounds like an excellent Christmas present

by Gemita - 2020-12-29 18:25:54

Hello Edouard,

Thank you for your update.  What a wonderful  gift you have received and I hope it works well for you and keeps you in close contact with your clinic.  

I have a Medtronic Carelink facility also and must set it up although I may need to return to my clinic to get the smart phone App activated as well.  I might try without their help after your success!!

So glad your recovery is going well.  Has your new pacemaker got a name yet ??

Best wishes for the New Year to you, John and to everyone!!

You know you're wired when...

You participate in the Pacer Olympics.

Member Quotes

Your anxiety is normal. It takes some of us a little time to adjust to the new friend. As much as they love you, family and friends without a device just cannot understand the adjustment we go through. That is why this site is so valuable.