
My cardiologist has ordered a echocardiogram for me this Tuesday morning I'm a little nervous as to what he will find but I think it could be chf and I  don't know how they would treat that ? A bit worried here.


Stay calm

by Gemita - 2020-12-18 01:40:30

Hello Iron Horse Rider,

Let us not jump to any conclusions or assume a diagnosis until we get the echocardiogram results through.  It may not be what you fear.

They will be looking primarily to see how well your heart is pumping/functioning and to look at the size of your chambers, your ejection fraction and to see whether there are any heart valve problems to account for any symptoms you may be getting.  If as you fear you are developing heart failure and your ejection fraction is low, they may offer you an upgrade of your pacing system (called cardiac resynchronization therapy). This would correct any dyssynchrony issues if you have them between the two ventricles to hopefully improve your ejection fraction and therefore any symptoms you may have.  This can be very effective although doesn't work for everyone.  Otherwise they can help with medication and/or encourage you to adopt a healthier lifestyle and may also look at your other health conditions to see whether they can be better controlled.  But a lot can be done today to support your heart.

However this is all premature and we must wait for your results which may not be at all concerning.  I do hope for the very best 

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