Breast augmentation

So I'm getting breast augmentation surgery in a few weeks (i've already been cleared by my EP), but I was wondering if anyone here might have gotten subpectoral breast implants while having the pm subcutaneous. Both doctors, and myself obvoiusly, are concerned about placing the implant subpectoral and then having the pm show even more (like that the implant might make the PM rise), when part of the reason why I'm getting the implants is to hide the battery since I'm really petite and it's extremely visible.

Has anyone had this problem? I need some advice on what I should do. I kinda don't want the implants subglandular cause they tend to look fake that way.

Thank you!


Move the battery.

by PacedNRunning - 2020-11-26 02:51:12

Wouldn't it make more sense to move the battery in a better place to hide it? Seems drastic route to take for hiding the battery. I have implants but I had them before my PM. My  PM literally sits right above my implant. Can feel it but can't really see it. How far down is your PM Now? Mine is pretty low about 3.5" below my collarbone. If your current one is up higher the implant may push it higher and make it bump into your collarbone and make it more visible. If it's lower like mine, it should be fine. 

Breast augmentation

by Gemita - 2020-11-26 02:58:32

Hello Gigi,

Firstly I hope someone here can help answer your questions.  I am also petite and my pacemaker is very noticeable so I do understand how you feel.   There is something about your post that concerns me though.

You say part of the reason why I am getting the implant is to hide the battery.  I hope you are really not having another treatment to camouflage the treatment you have already received, in order to try to fix the problem?

I do appreciate you are thin and petite and you are not happy with the outcome of your pacemaker position, but before you undergo further elective surgery, have you fully discussed this with your doctors to see whether another solution can be found?  Sorry but I had to ask the question

Showing your device to the world

by Greenspace - 2020-11-26 10:44:27

Hi Gigi, maybe it's ok if your device shows. When we have differences from other people, maybe we can accept and love our differences as simply parts of ourselves, as we would likely do for a friend or family member who we care about. Wishing you all the best.

Thank you

by call_me_gigi - 2020-12-19 17:41:07

Thank you so much for your responses.

Maybe I didn't make myself clear, I'm getting the implants becuase I've wanted them for over four years now, the fact that it could help hide my pacemaker a little is just an extra that makes me want them even more. I'm petite, 5'1, 94lb but I have a perky butt and my thighs are muscular, I would want for my breasts to match the rest of my body and sadly they're quite small and despite being small they're also a little droopy so that's the main reason why I'm getting the surgery.

My pm is quite low in my chest, and when i wear a bra (which I usually don't) and my breasts are higher up it's hidden pretty well so I'm really hoping it will be a little more concealed.

My EP told me that eventually we could change the position but since I'm so small it'll propbably still show no matter where it's placed and he agreed that having the implants could make it easier to conceal and eventually even position the battery under the implant. 

I usually don't care that my pm shows, it's the fact that it's also quite painful since it's so superficial. If it weren't for that I'd have no issue with the pm, it would just be about wanting perkier and slightly bigger breasts. 

In the end we decided with subglandular position, the implants are not going to be too big and I've asked some friends that have gotten implants and have them subglandular and they don't look fake, just perkier which is what i want.

And I also wouldn't even be going through with the surgery if it weren't for the fact that I need to fix my deviated septum, so since I'm already going to need surgery my family and I agreed that   it would be best to just go with the breast augmentation so I don't have to do two surgeries.

I'll be getting both surgeries on monday, so hopefully everything will turn out great and I'll be happy not just with my new breasts but with my new nose allowing me to breathe better.

Again, thank you for your responses.

You know you're wired when...

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I just had this miracle implanted two weeks ago and I’m feeling better.