Just wanted to share this, I talked to a friend of mine last night, former neighbor, and informed her that I had a PM implanted. She related to me that several years ago doctors told her she needed a PM and she refused. She was diagnosed with Bradycardia. She just turned 81 and still has Bradycardia with a normal pulse rate of 44- 50. How long can a person survive with Bradycardia without have a PM??? Just curious. She has lived 15 years without one and in fairly good health. Any comments?



by BABlocker - 2007-07-21 10:07:52

One of the criteria used for implantation is whether the patient is symptomatic with the lower heart rate. Apparently this person is not feeling the ill effects as her energy demands are not requiring a higher heart rate. Her doctors did recommend it because many people will have problems with a low heart rate over time. Good for her!

it is interesting

by jessie - 2007-07-21 12:07:16

yes my pulse was 28 and i could hardly walk a step. so that told me i was in some kind of trouble but i did not know at the time wwhat. some people feel alright with a slow pulse but not as slow as mine was. so hope this helps to understand jessie

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