peeved of

Hi smitty
I went to all the trouble of answering your answer,( thank you for the answer by the way) put in the letters and clicked post comment and nothing happened and lost all I'd written, so tell me what I did wrong. I will write it all again maybe tonight.Marie


Peeved Too

by SMITTY - 2007-09-24 09:09:15

Hi Marie,

I wish I could asnwer your question about the disappearing replies. I have had this happen to me several times. Enough that if my comment is more than a couple of lines long I now put a copy in some place from which I can retrieve it, just in case. The problem has been worse the last couple of weeks. Maybe it is a queston that should be passed on to Blake.


will save smitty

by craftygirl - 2007-09-24 10:09:32

i will save next time Marie

Been having problem on private messages

by cottontop - 2007-09-25 01:09:19

I thought I must be doing something wrong. I am sorry it is happening but I have been having the same problem when private messages and as you know they are usually long for all of us and things I say at the time I can't put into words again after typing to someone for 30 to 40 mins. I will send it and does nothing and I keep trying and it is still there it just won't send. It has been really frustrating when someone is upset about something and I am replying to them to help and I can't send this long message. Blake please look into it. Thanks so much!


Problems too

by janetinak - 2007-09-25 04:09:11

Lost two post also. Wish it could get fixed.

You did nothing wrong

by admin - 2007-09-25 08:09:02

I assume your session timed out. For security reasons and to keep the Who's online feature accurate, the system automatically logs a user off after 45 minutes on idle time (i.e. not clicking a link).

I will talk with our web developer again to ldiscuss other possible solutions.

Idea - Some users type longer messages in Word and copy them into the message form when they are ready to post.

Thanks for the feedback.


this works sometimes

by Peter.Nash - 2007-09-27 10:09:21

Hi Marie,
I think we have all been here at one time or another, when nothing happens or the message disappears I sometimes get it back by clicking the "back arrow" it then brings the text back and you can send it again.
hope this helps... Peter

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