About the Good ol' days

Okay, my PM is electronic and doesn't rely on gas (well, except for when I go for my check-ups)

Jessie's post about the good ol' days got me thinking...

When it comes to paying rediculous prices for gas - I am amazed at how "accepting" the masses are.
I have seen a few times when it is posted all over the internet to "stop buying gas from just one company for one day"
But we don't bother.
It's easier to "do nothing" and "complain."

(Not saying all PM club people are doing this - I'm talking the general public in North America.)

THIS is why they get away with it... simply because they can.

Think about this - If the public DID organize (help each other out) and for one day (or better yet, one week) bought no gas from, say, Shell.
With the statement that we will continue to target any particular Oil company at any given time if prices get out of control.

I would think that would get their attention.

This group has members from all over. WE could start this movement.

I can see the headlines now: "Pacemaker Club starts mass effort to combat gas prices!!!"

Remember - All significant changes start with ONE idea.

So here's an idea:
Starting the week of May 25th - Nobody buy gas from SHELL OIL (Canada) or EXXON (US) until prices are reduced to at least $1.05 / litre.

Get all your friends and family on board.

Post this all over the internet, in your local paper, phone it in to your local radio station - TELL EVERYBODY!!!

Don't wait for "somebody else" to do this. YOU do it!
Be part of the solution.
Let's quit talking about it and take back some of the good ol' days!


Good Idea

by janetinak - 2008-05-03 03:05:14

I would never buy gas from Exon ever as they still are fighting paying their fines for the Valdez (Alaska) oil spill. Now they are fighting it in Supreme Court. I like your idea tho. It is interesting that the prices go up every few days & all the stations go up at the same time. I believe there is a name for that. Wish we could all communicate that well as they do on when to raise gas prices.

Other input?



by jessie - 2008-05-04 12:05:22

it is a good idea for one day but a week. monday i have an appt with the vet for my cat. tuesday i am getting my hair coloured. wednesday we go back to port huron to exchange clothes for my grandson wrong size. so you see it would be almost impossible for us and we are retired and don't drive to work. life still goes on. anybody else have any thoughts? jess

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