New to PM

My PM insertion was May 15th and I’ve been somewhat stressed because of lack of knowledge on how I’m suppose to feel.  My PM was suppose to be placed on the left side but at the time of insertion the Dr asked me if I’d had any problems on that side because it was obstructed or he wasn’t able to go that way.  So I have a right side PM and I am a predominately right side sleeper and I felt like I was laying right on my PM so I would sort of compensate and adjust a little.  Now, I’m not sure this caused it but my bite is off and I have TMJ or simply jaw misalignment.  My diagnosis was complete heart block and I have a St Jude PM with dual leads.  They have me set on 60 bpm to keep my heart rate up on the bottom end.  But I haven’t heard if I have a top number (told you I was new to this) do I have a top rate or do some just operate with the low rate with my slow bpm diagnosis.  I started back playing golf and was able to play 18 holes on a coolish day with no problems.  But I skipped a day and played again and had to quit on 12th hole...fatigue and dizziness when i would stand up from teeing up.  It was a little more humid but I felt I had stayed hydrated. Any tips or info would be appreciated as I am about as clueless as one can get.




give it time

by dwelch - 2020-06-24 02:07:31

I would think of it this way, while you are mostly healed, able to do these things again, you are likely mentally worn out and are probably tired from lack of sleep, stress from the experience, etc.  The pacemaker should make your heart work better and more efficiently.  I would expect you to be back to normal, but maybe not for a bit longer, weeks or a few more months.  

Pace yourself (pun not intended) and work your way back up to your former normal.  

But of course if you feel like something is wrong, dont hesitate to call the doctors office and talk to someone about it.

Dizziness on standing

by Selwyn - 2020-06-24 07:24:15

Dizziness on standing upright after crouching is a problem with pacemakers as the normal body response is for the heart rate to increase as the blood rushes down to the feet and blood pressure drops. This does not happen quickly with a pacemaker. Certainly, staying well hydrated will help. Realising this will happen and taking your time getting upright and waiting a moment for the blood pressure to settle will help. What you don't want to do is to try to set off walking being dizzy as this may cause you to collapse.

There is always anxiety associated with pacemaker insertion. Sometimes this is associated with teeth grinding or the tempromandibular syndrome. ( see )  It is likely to be a transient problem, however if your tension does not settle your dentist can help with eg. night splints and other appliances.

Pacemaker on dominant side

by LondonAndy - 2020-06-25 09:20:02

In addition to the comments above, just to say that that so is mine - I am left handed, but don't do shooting or the other activities that impact on that part of the body, so the surgeon suggested still putting it on that side as it is normally easier access.  It was uncomfortable to sleep on that side for a few months, but then it was fine.

You know you're wired when...

You read consumer reports before upgrading to a new model.

Member Quotes

The pacer systems are really very reliable. The main problem is the incompetent programming of them. If yours is working well for you, get on with life and enjoy it. You probably are more at risk of problems with a valve job than the pacer.