Yawn !!!

Hi Friends!!
Could any one tell me if they started to get tired when getting close to battery running low?
I got mine 23rd Apr.04 and was told last year that mine was over half way gone.I am having my next pm check in a few weeks time.I mostly have a lot of energy but noticed the last couple of months I get really tired.It could be our hot summer or a lot of babysitting but things like that dont usually make me tired/I think I have read that other people here have felt this way but couldnt find the posts.

Hope someone can ...Yawn!... help me



Causes of Fatigue

by SMITTY - 2008-03-09 10:03:35

Hi Kay,

I found your question interesting because I have been feeling about the same way, and I went looking to see what I could find. One of the first articles that came up had this for the first paragraph:

"This section discusses 1,167 medical conditions causing Fatigue. A simple discussion of these causes with additional information is below."

Now I didn't look at all 1,167 of the causes but I since they were in alphabetical order I did look to see if a pacemaker was listed and it was not.

I know my problem is a combination of old age and some medication I am taking so I really didn't expect to find help, but you can never tell what may show up. Anyway, I've read all of todays newspapers and TV is dull, dull, dull.

However, I found the following that may be of some help to you. At least it will provide some reading material for a while.

Good luck,



Lack of sleep.
Stress and anxiety.
Inactivity. .
Eating habits.
Certain medications.

To beat fatigue, try these tips:

Reduce stress
Take some of the pressure out of your day. Learn to say no. Set priorities. Then organize your activities so that you avoid confusion. Pace yourself. Put aside time each day to do something you enjoy. Take a midday stroll around the block, or get up 15 minutes earlier to give yourself more time to start your day.

Manage workplace tension
On-the-job aggravation can add to work-related fatigue. Sit down and try to resolve conflicts with co-workers. Become better acquainted with your boss and clarify what he or she needs from you. Be realistic about your limitations. Take time out to get up from your desk and stretch for a few moments several times a day.

Be active
Try to include at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity in your day. Don't worry about doing a full workout all at once — start with 10 minutes of activity at a time. Whether you walk, garden or swim, once you get moving, you'll likely notice you have more stamina. While 30 minutes is the minimum recommendation, you may need up to an hour of moderate activity daily to maintain fitness and a healthy weight.

Eat well
Start your day with a low-fat, high-fiber breakfast that includes plenty of complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains and fruits for lasting energy. Stay away from sugary cereals and juices and caffeinated drinks. They can make you feel sluggish later in the day. Don't skip meals; refuel every three or four hours. Very low calorie diets are guaranteed to increase fatigue.

Avoid alcohol
Alcohol depresses your central nervous system and acts as a sedative, making you tired for hours after consuming no more than only a drink or two. It may also disrupt your sleep, if you drink just before bed.

Practice good sleep habits
Avoid eating, reading or watching TV in bed. Keep your bedroom cool, dark and quiet. And set your alarm for the same time each day — the routine can help you establish a regular sleep schedule. Naps are OK, but keep them short and early in the day. Schedule workouts at least six hours before bedtime. Small snacks may help you drift off, but large late-night meals can keep you up. If you can't sleep, don't toss and turn, go into another part of the house and read or relax until you feel drowsy.

When to see your doctor
Sudden or persistent fatigue, despite adequate rest, may mean it's time for you to consult your doctor. Unrelenting exhaustion may be a sign of an underlying medical problem. In general, talk to your doctor if you're extremely tired or unable to regain your energy after several weeks of increased rest. Medical causes of fatigue can include:

This blood disorder results from a number of problems that affect your blood's ability to transport oxygen, causing fatigue.

A loss of energy that's accompanied by any number of symptoms, including sadness, loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping or oversleeping, a lack of interest in pleasurable activities, and difficulty concentrating may be a part of depression.

Extreme fatigue can be a warning sign of diabetes. Signs and symptoms of diabetes, in addition to fatigue, include excessive thirst, frequent urination, blurred vision and recurring infections.

Prescription or over-the-counter medications may cause fatigue or make you too restless to sleep well. Antihistamines, cough and cold remedies, some antidepressants, and many other drugs may make you tired. Talk to your doctor if you suspect your medications are making you tired.

Restless legs syndrome (RLS)
This condition is characterized by an inability to keep your legs still and by tingling or aching sensations in your legs, feet or arms. The symptoms generally occur at night, preventing sound sleep.

Sleep apnea
Signs of this disorder include loud snoring, pauses between breaths and awakening frequently while gasping for air. It's a common source of fatigue because it interferes with sound sleep. Losing weight and quitting smoking may help, as well as an adjustment in sleeping position. Lying on your side or facedown may reduce snoring.

Thyroid problems
Hypothyroidism is a condition in which your thyroid gland fails to make or release enough thyroid hormone. Signs and symptoms include sluggishness, chronically cold hands and feet, constipation, dry skin and a hoarse voice. Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which your thyroid produces excessive amounts of hormone. Too much hormone also can cause fatigue, muscle weakness, weight loss, increased heart rate, nervousness and irritability.

A diagnosis of exclusion: Chronic fatigue syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a complicated disorder characterized by extreme fatigue that doesn't improve with bed rest and may worsen with physical or mental activity. Of all chronic illnesses, chronic fatigue syndrome is one of the most mysterious.

Severe and debilitating fatigue, muscle aches and difficulty concentrating are the most commonly reported symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. In some cases, low-grade fevers and swollen lymph nodes also may develop.

A diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome is based on exclusion. This means that before arriving at a diagnosis, a doctor has ruled out any other disease or condition that may be causing your fatigue and related symptoms.


by ElectricFrank - 2008-03-10 01:03:08

There are also some non flu virus infections going around that have fatigue as one of the symptoms. There was an article about it in our local paper a week or so ago. The docs won't admit to it since there is no "proper" research to prove it, but a couple of local docs were willing to talk to the reporter about it as long as they weren't identified. (Isn't that great!)
If your pacer battery was getting weak the pacer would revert to a low backup HR. You should be able to check this by taking your pulse.

You and me Too

by Blueaustralia - 2008-03-10 02:03:51

Hi Pal

I am sure we are suffering from the same symptoms
GOU - Grandma Overuse. Oh boy I feel tired. I am sure it is over exertion from family expectation and the heat. We will have to take some time out when we get together in three weeks time. Whenever I sit down at lunch time I just want to fall asleep. I am sure my pacer rate drops and is telling me : Hi it is time to slow down. AA - Age and activity should be taken in moderation I think.


by gmnordy - 2008-03-10 04:03:11

OMG I am so tired the last week or so it is really getting to me. Right now, I am so lethargic I could literally fall asleep at the PC. I do not know what is causing this for me, other than the usual, I suppose. I am getting older, and am taking new meds. So who knows. I know my pacer must be working ok for now. My pulse at resting is 88. Have 2 weeks to wait for EP study for all this dizziness and syncope I am having. Maybe a new ICD will do the trick and get rid of this PM I have. At this point cant help you with any advice. Sorry and hope you feel better soon

Smitty and Frank

by Rewiredaussiegirl - 2008-03-10 09:03:08

Thanks Smitty and Frank.
I think both of you have more intelligent answers to our problems than some doctors would give!!
Wow Smitty Im sure I could find at least one of those listed could be part of my problem.I know I have RLS!!

Just went and checked my pulse Frank and it is OK!!
Maybe its me thats wearing out not my pacer battery !!


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