Some issues!

Before I ask my questions. Welcome to all the new Pacers on this club that I have not gotten to talk to yet. I hope and pray that your recovery is going well.

I have tried to avoid getting on lately as I have had a hard time facing things lately. I posted last week that I had been feeling very ill and thought I had the flu or something. That was not the case when I finally felt like I was passing out I decided to call in. I have PVC's non-stop my palpitations are very intense I have always had them but they seem to be getting really bad. They explained that I would always have some random chest pain b/c of the ablations. So nothing they can do to treat that.
I got put on metroprolol twice daily to control the PVC's I still am feeling them but not as intense. How normal is this?
Also another problem I am having is with the idea my one year of having my surgery coming up. Don't get me wrong I feel blessed to have my pacemaker but the flashbacks of the two surgery days have been in my mind a lot lately. Has anybody else ever had this feeling happen?
Thanks for any feedback. Once again to all of the new pacers welcome!



Incessant PVCs.

by Stepford_Wife - 2008-02-28 02:02:45

Hi Tammy.

As you know, I have incessant AFIB. Ablations haven't solved my problem, so I had AV node ablation, and a pacemaker implanted. I too feel my AFIB, constantly, at the base of my neck, in my throat.
I take a lot of medications to keep it in check, but I don't get much relief.
I have kept track as to when they are the strongest, and it seems to happen at a certain time of the month, if you know what I mean. They also seem strongest at the change of seasons.
I told my cardiologist about it, and after she chuckled, she checked it out, and realized that some women are on what is called a moon cycle. Peak in hormones if you will, which causes all kinds of symptoms.
At least I know I'm not crazy, and when it happens, I can relax and let it follow its course.
Is it normal? For me it seems to be. Could it be what is going on with you? Keep track of it and see.
That's the best I can do for you.
I hope you feel better soon.
Take care,

~ Dominique ~

I had it too....

by afibber - 2008-02-29 12:02:23

After my pm was "planted" I was off all meds, except coumadin. After several years I began feeling break thru "a-fib", just like I used to feel before I got my pacemaker. My cardiologist put me on 180 mg of cardizem daily and that has taken care of 99% of the break thru feeling of a-fibbing. It has really helped me. (I also have had an a/v node ablation). Once in a blue moon I feel as if a locomotive is stopped and running in high gear in my chest, but it quickly leaves.

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