Back to Dating after ICD

Got my ICD 2 years ago

Now divorcing after 25 years

Know that we are now "defective" merchandise...

Please share experiences looking for love

Thanks & Regards


rules for dating

by Tracey_E - 2017-09-01 20:40:16

1. Stop thinking of yourself as defective merchandise

2. Anyone who reaches our age without health issues, well, it's just a matter of time. It's called aging. You want a mature adult, not an adult/child looking for perfection

3. Anyone who has a problem with it isn't worth your time. 

My heart condition is congenital so it was always there any time I dated. No one once cared, or if they did they never asked me out so I never knew. And back then, my uberconservative cardiologist told me my heart could not handle pregnancy (I have 2 kids, he was wrong) and it was before I was paced so I had little to no stamina. So I wasn't allowed to be active and believed there was a good chance I'd be childless... Was. Not. An. Issue. Getting back into dating has to be tough, I can't even imagine, but don't give that little box any more power over your happiness than it deserves. 


by Bionic Beat - 2017-09-02 00:41:31

Its a whole new world out there these days.  

My friends laugh when I tell them I havent had a date since 1968.

Was married for many happy years.

Im actually quite content, having adjusted to living alone for the first time ever.

I agree with Tracey, we are definitely not damaged goods.

Let us know how it goes......


Best Wishes,

Bionic Beat




by Loonylil - 2017-09-02 04:28:35

Most definitely not damaged goods!

but probably a bit vulnerable because a divorce after 25years is a big thing!

be kind to yourself and let yourself heal emotionally from relationship break up, you will have a lot to offer some lucky person out there

let us know how you get on and my best wishes to you ❤️

Pacemaker and dating - no problem

by LondonAndy - 2017-09-03 18:53:15

I am the same age as you but gay, and initially when dating after surgery I was self conscious of not just the pacemaker scar but also the rather larger (8") vertical scar where they opened my chest to do a replacement heart valve.  But much to my surprise neither have been commented on negatively.  Admittedly both scars are fairly faint as, although only 3 years old, I rubbed Bio Oil on most days for the first year to help the skin recovery.

So download Tinder and get going ;)

You know you're wired when...

Your device acts like a police scanner.

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We are ALIVE! How wonderful is modern medicine.