Atrial fibrillation and pacemaker

Hi all, I have recently been told by my Cardio team that my afib has increased and they want me on blood thinners.  Given a severe GI bleed I had a year ago my GI DOc says no but with caution I can take a baby aspirin..nothing stronger.

Somewhere I have read that if your pacers base rate is raised higher that it cuts out a majority of A-fibs.  My base rate is 60.

Thoughts?  Thanks everyone!


A fib

by Loonylil - 2017-04-13 07:04:54

Yes Iagree with above comment, I am getting to know what can trigger an episode of a fib, heavy meal late at night for example.. but recently had bad a fib with no obvious cause..except I have lost some weight and wondered if dose of blood pressure drug now too high?

i think we need to question drs about our drugs, and the combinations we are given as well as what we eat or drink.

i hope you find an answer soon best wishes ❤️


Lifestyle changes can reduce AF

by Paced2017 - 2017-04-13 08:28:21

Latest research is showing that reducing weight (5-10% of bodyweight if overweight) and limiting alcohol intake can reduce or even eliminate AF symptoms. 

If you feel symptoms when your AF occurs, it's also worth keeping a diary and seeing if there is a pattern or common triggers when these episodes occur. For example, common  triggers include dehydration and drinking cold drinks.

Ab fib

by Loonylil - 2017-04-14 05:14:48

Robin's comments make so much sense, I have worried rot some time about drugs acting against each other and doctors not wanting to know!

great idea to keep record of symptoms  and any differences in diet to identify likely triggers. I suppose just got to keep trying to fine tune the engine! And listen to your wishes all ❤️

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