
Hi everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm 21 with medtronic pacemaker that I've had for four years. I was born with an AV canal defect (the condition occurs when there's a hole between the hearts chambers and problems with the valves that regulate the blood flow in the heart), coarctation of the aorta (the narrowing of the aorta), instestinal malrotation, and polyspleenia (I have five smaller spleen branches rather than one large spleen. I was given the diagnosis of having situs inversus (some of my organs were on the opposite side of my body) When I went in for one of my two open heart surgeries (one of them was placing an artifical piece in my heart) they somehow messed up my heart rate, for the next 16 years I had the heart rate of an adult. When I was sixteen I went in to have my yearly checkup and my cardiologist told me I might need a pacemaker and sent me home with a heart monitor to wear for twenty four hours. About a month later, on my 17th birthday actually, they called and confirmed that I did need a pacemaker, so on February the eleventh, I had my pacemaker surgery, almost four years later and I am doing well! 



by LondonAndy - 2017-02-03 16:41:19

You've been through a lot already - delighted to hear you are doing so well!  

You know you're wired when...

You can take a lickin’ and keep on tickin’.

Member Quotes

Hi, I am 47 and have had a pacemaker for 7 months and I’m doing great with it.