Pacemaker and I-pad

Hi all.  I've been using my I pad lately for several hours daily propping it on or near my chest and as of a couple days ago my heart is "acting up" as in skipping beats or irregular.  That hasn't happened to me since it was first put in and had to be adjusted several times,  but that was this past March.  So I've been fine till now.  (Dec. 22).   Do I need to get my pm checked, or stay away from this addictive I-pad?  Happy Holidays to all!  


not the ipad

by Tracey_E - 2016-12-22 13:14:17

It is not the ipad. There are virtually no home electronics that will affect a pacer. When in doubt, ask to have the pacer checked, or if you have a home monitor hit the button to send a report. Are you dehydrated, over tired or maybe had too much caffeine lately? Any of those can cause funky beats. 

I pad

by Loonylil - 2016-12-22 13:25:05

Was interested in your message. When I had my pm in October the hospital did tell me not to hold mobile phones or computers nearer than 6inches away, so an i pad on the chest seems a bit close? Best to check with dr though?

good luck to you


by Tracey_E - 2016-12-22 16:39:17

When in doubt, always ask your doctor however, the 6" rule is purely precaution and mostly old advice. If a magnet is strong enough to interfere with a pacemaker, it has to be closer than 6". The thing is, none of these home eletronics have a magnet strong enough to do anything because they (the magnets) are so small and the pacers are well shielded. 

Worst case, we get too close to a magnet, it can potentially put it in test mode like when they interrogate but only for the time we are too close to it. Once we get away from it, it goes back to full function with no harm done. When I got my first ipad with magnetic cover, I thought it might be too much so I took it along to a pacer check. We could not get it to interfere, even with the big magnetic cover. I read with my ipad on my chest all the time, run with my ipod clipped right over my device, hold my cellphone with my shoulder, hang out with my husband's ham radio equipment... 20+ years and I've never once had a problem. 

St Jude recommendations

by Tracey_E - 2016-12-22 16:43:31


by Pm - 2016-12-22 20:53:05

Thanks everyone for your feedback.  Much appreciated!  TraceyE,  how do I get to St. Jude recommendations?  BTW my pm is a St. Judes

SJM website

by Tracey_E - 2016-12-23 09:31:51

If you haven't yet, poke around some on their site. It's full of good stuff! The recommendations are on the bottom of the page in the link I posted above, scroll way down. If that doesn't get you there, try this one. There is a link for EMI in the green box on the bottom left.


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My ICD/pacer is not a burden. I still play tennis and golf.