adult congenital ep

I met with an adult congenital ep today for the first time. WOW!!!! I wasn't sure going in if I just wanted to talk to him and see what insights he had or transfer my care but that's a no-brainer, I am absolutely changing to the congenital practice. A few takeaways I thought some of you  who are like me and have been paced long term would be interested in ...

- he does annual xrays to look for early fractures in leads

- he does Holter on everyone and uses it to fine tune settings. He said the interrogation report will only tell him about 80%, the Holter will help him with the other 20%

- I learned a lot of things I didn't know about extraction, a little scary but very interesting. When the day comes, I will be high risk. I already figured that based on the age/type of  leads but that's not what he said causes the risk. People who have had previous heart surgeries are easier to extract than those who don't have any scar tissue to toughen up the heart.  

- He said he very rarely sees patients develop synchrony problems between the ventricles or drop in function after 5 years of pacing. So, basically if you've been ventricularly paced 5+ years and echos still look good, odds are very high they will continue to look good.

He said he only considers drop in function to be a minor long term risk for me. The only serious concern in my future is the day a lead gives out and it's time for extraction, which is hopefully many years off. He said he expects me to be able to keep up Crossfit and skiing as long as I want, and there's no reason to think this will have any impact on my life expectancy. 

And last, he is very excited about the future of leadless technology, says that is going to be the next big breakthrough, when they get leadless able to handle dual chamber pacing. Which they are working on. Sweet. 



Congrats Tracey!!

by Grateful Heart - 2016-12-09 20:30:25

You decided to join the grown-up world.  It's not all that it's cracked up to be though.  :)

Seriously, I'm glad you liked the new EP.  And thanks for sharing the new info you learned helped me as well.

Grateful Heart   


by Good Dog - 2016-12-09 20:32:08


THANKS so much for the info and insight. It really sounds encouraging except for the news regarding the lead extraction. Based upon your experience, I may opt sometime next year for the doc at the clinic that participates in the congenital patient program. If and when I do I'll let you know how it went.

We are heading to Fla for the winter in a couple of weeks. It is snowing like crazy here!!!!



by Tracey_E - 2016-12-09 22:14:02

It's still shorts and flip flop weather here! A cold front is coming in this weekend, but I don't think it's getting much under 60. 


by Sona - 2016-12-10 03:51:59

Thanks Traceye for this information.your posts are as amazing as you.

Thank You!

by FaithGrace - 2017-01-17 15:09:24


Your posts are so informative, clearly written and extremely helpful to so many of us!  

Thanks for being active on this site and sharing your knowledge of the PM world with everyone.  You are truly appreciated!! 



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In fact after the final "tweaks" of my pacemaker programming at the one year check up it is working so well that I forget I have it.