May need Pacemaker

I am a 68 year old female. Have had 15 day monitor and Dr. said 50% chance I need PM. I have had irregular beats for 30 years managed by meds but I have had more serious pauses that make me feel like a may faint. Doc took me off meds to see if they were causing problem. We live in Houston. Should I make sure that I using a Dr. In he medical center as opposed to a hospital in the suburbs. My Doc is in the Memorial Herman group but the procedure would be done in suburb hospital and not in medical center. Had Heart scan, nuclear stress test, echocardiogram, and 15 day monitor. Have appointment tomorrow to discuss tests. I want to ask right questions. Just want t make sure I'm getting best care since we have such a great medical center here in Houston.


Normal Physiological Ventricular Acrivation is Possible

by Terry - 2016-01-05 04:01:17

You are very smart to ask. Check the first scientific publication on the list of papers on the Papers Page of His-pacing.0rg.
The world of pacing is in a transition to normal activation (activation that doesn't bypass the cardiac conduction system). In fact, you should Google cardiac conduction system too.
All the best,

Talk to your doctor

by BillH - 2016-01-05 11:01:24

about your concerns.

Unless you have other medical problems most likely there won't be any reason to go to the main Hospital.

And in fact, in general, studies have shown better outcome in community hospital vs teaching hospitals.

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Member Quotes

I am just grateful to God that I lived long enough to have my ICD put in. So many people are not as lucky as us; even though we sometimes don't feel lucky.