Bionic in Africa

Howdy, well here I am, turning 34 and pursuing my dream of working in Africa doing what I do best! I got the OK go-ahead from my cardiologist with the promise not to get cut on here in Nairobi and to return to my home base for a can replacement. I've had my St. Jude PM for five and a half years now with absolutely no problems. until now...weeks after arriving I have been feeling a very distinct pain, closer to an ache in my chest that i can feel down my left arm and up my neck some times. I got checked out and everything is good from the perspective of my vitals and the machine working and EKG. I read from another post about nerve pain from the scar and am wondering if I should chock the pain up to having slept funky and pinched something that wasn't pinched before. Infection is always accompanied by fever, right? Damn, I am alone and pretty scared to be so far from doctors i trust and systems that work. I could use some solid clear thinking and problem solving at the moment. Why do I hurt suddenly? It was super stressful making the move here since I had to put my dog down. Could that really be part of the problem? Did my broken heart literally break my bionic heart? Anyone else out there in remote locations? advice?


You know you're wired when...

You play MP3 files on your pacer.

Member Quotes

I'm 43 and have had my pacemaker four weeks today. I'm looking forward to living another 50 years and this marvelous device inside me will help me do that.