Pleurisy and Pacemaker

Hello Everyone ! I have a cough for about 1 month 2 weeks. After a few weeks went to internist doc for cough, he gave me a shot and antibolics. Then after a month, went back to doc to check my cough again, (still coughing). He said the cough was lingering, and gave me no drugs. Currently having pain under breast and ribs, while coughing, laughing, sitting up. My breathing is more pronounced (taking more deep). I was wondering if anyone has had pleurisy ? Doc never did x-ray either, I went 2 weeks ago.


Thanks Everyone !

by lahbigbro6 - 2013-02-10 04:02:23

As usual the best advice and support is here ! My internist said it was a virus, not strep throat. I have Neurocardiogenic Syncope, so only drug is to increase BP, but I have been taking it a long time. I have my pacemaker for 2 years (the 2nd one) It started with cough and fever ...but after 1+month pain under breast and ribs during breathing, coughing, sitting up. I though this whole thing would be a easy fix ! I did start working out with low aerobics and weights, when I felt alittle better. Maybe I should have can that one. Thanks everyone, I guess an appt with the doc again, what else is new ??!! My doc is sometimes too laid back for me ...

I did

by golden_snitch - 2013-02-10 10:02:20


I had a pleurisy, and the symptoms were different from what you describe. Just started with a really bad pain in my neck, that went down my back within a day and then stayed in the left side of my rib cage. With every breath I took, I could actually hear the pleural rub, and even my Mom could hear it. Doctor said it was kind of a "textbook" case, because the rub was so severe. There was no cough, but some shortness of breath, probably because taking deep breaths in hurt so much that I didn't do it, but had a very levelled breathing. Got a prescription for strong painkillers; antibiotics would have made sense only, if it were a bacterial pleurisy, and that is rather rare. Also, an x-ray won't show much, unless you have a big pleural effusion. Pleural effusion, can also be diagnosed with an ultrasound, so no need for an x-ray. I got my pleurisy a few weeks after epicardial pacemaker leads placement, and was told by my doctor that pleurisy in most cases is a complication of something else going on. In my case the cause was clear, it was the surgery.

I'd take it as a good sign that you can breath without pain, and that you can take deep breaths. Maybe it's a bronchitis? That can take a while to go away, and it causes lots of cough.

Get well soon!

Are you taking any...

by donr - 2013-02-10 10:02:59 heart/BP control meds?

Some of them can induce a chronic cough as a side effect (there's that word again!) that just will not go away. Does not necessarily start immediately after starting the Meds.

I had one when Cardio was trying to find a decent BP control med for me. Not fun.

let me add to Inga's bronchitis comment that IF it's a viral bronchitis, there is nothing to take to help other than something to ease the symptoms. You just have to outlive it.



by Karen - 2013-02-10 11:02:28

Go to a lung Dr.. I had a cough like yours all through January and some of Feb.2013. I caught that flu viral thing that was going around. Now my left side ribs area really hurt when I cough or sneeze. Lung Dr. put me on Flovent because he said the viral thing irritated my lungs. I've been using it for a week and its slowed my coughing way down. I still have the pain on the side and hoping that will go away over time.

hi again

by Karen - 2013-02-10 11:02:34

I meant to say it irritated my airways instead of my lungs.

lingering cough

by Hope - 2013-02-10 11:02:51

Hi! A cough that has 6 weeks is certainly both a concern and discomfort. Whether it be due to allergy, medication, or other cause, you need an answer. Are you a smoker? You mentioned your internist but not a device or cardiologist. Presuming you have one, have you discussed this with cardiologist? If your current medical care cannot give you an answer, please continue to seek an answer with new care. Take care, and I hope you get an answer soon. Hopeful Heart


by lahbigbro6 - 2013-02-12 02:02:12

Went to my internist again and got a x-ray of my chest, no pleurisy. I overdid the standing abs workout and coughing for a month. Intercoastal muscle strain.

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