Just checking in...

Hello pm family!

Just wanted to tell ya that I'm on the mend and doing okay from the gallbladder surgery. I'm a little more sore than I expected and not up and around as much as I hoped by now, but I'm hopeful! :) Some of you gave me some great advice about how to sleep and other things to expect, so I appreciate it immensely. It has all helped! Now I can't wait to eat some real food next week!

Happy pacing...


Get Well Soon

by Wannabe - 2008-06-13 02:06:21

Hello ela-girl - I'm so very pleased to hear all's gone well with the gall-bladder operation - now all you've to do is to recover fully and start enjoying life once more. I'd love to know just what you plan to eat next week as a treat.

Do remember the advice we give to the newly implanted on this site - everyone heals at their own rate. This also includes those who've just had a gall-bladder operation too, you know. So give yourself all the time you need and don't try to rush things. Take it easily and spoil yourself for a bit longer. Wonderful to have the ordeal done and dusted, I'm sure. Take care of yourself. Kindest wishes. Wannabe

You go girl!

by boatman50 - 2008-06-13 03:06:22

Glad to hear all went well Ela-Girl. Now just relax and heal up. Real food, fish, steak, fowl, pasta? I think some nice fluke and shrimp! Enjoy!

hello ela

by jessie - 2008-06-13 08:06:37

glad to hear you are healing. it is still major surgery even tho it is done laproscopically now. so take time to heal and then enjoy your food again. love,jess

So glad!

by tcrabtree85 - 2008-06-14 01:06:04

Glad things are going well. Relax and enjoy as many movies as you can. Your in my prayers and thoughts! Blessings and love!

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