Keeping Perspective

I just want to lieu of recent postings...that this is a support group. People come here for all sorts of reasons and one of those it to find help to problems or fears they are experiencing. Hence the topics of some posts. Why worry about all the what if's that you cannot control? I am SO blessed to have my pacemaker...yesterday I went hiking in the Superstition Mt. Wilderness Area by my home and hiked up past 3200 ft. The hike was amazing. I would never have been able to enjoy my life like this before my pacemaker. So IF and WHEN I have a problem--even if it is caused by my pm--I am so blessed for all the life that it has let me live in the meantime. And I am so blessed that we all have this site to run to when we do experience problems because usually there is someone who has gone before us--how comforting. And isn't the old addage--knowledge is power--true?? I think so. Granted we all view things differently, but I wanted to share my view.

So, enjoy life!



by uvagershwin - 2008-02-03 04:02:33

I couldn't agree more! Wow, you are sooo right!

I love my pacemaker!

by admin - 2008-02-03 07:02:43

I just returned from an afternoon of alpine skiing with my family. I can honestly say that without my device, I would not have been able to do so.

Thanks to my device, my life is great!


You know you're wired when...

You have rhythm.

Member Quotes

Hi, I am 47 and have had a pacemaker for 7 months and I’m doing great with it.