wall motion test

my husband is having this test on the 18th. anyone know anything about this test? jessie


google it in

by Blueaustralia - 2008-08-06 03:08:39

Jessie google" wall motion test." The first one Sinai Medicalwill give you a description of the procedure. Hope this helps Billie

Wall Motion Test

by SMITTY - 2008-08-06 06:08:13

Hey Jessie,

I blew it with my answer. I've had a MUGA but it is not like an echocardiogram. My wife saw my answer and told me to post this:

"A MUGA scan (Multiple Uptake Gated Acquisition Scan) is a nuclear medicine test to evaluate the function of the heart ventricles. It provides a movie-like image of the beating heart, and allows the doctor to determine the health of the heart’s major pumping chambers. The advantages of MUGA is that it is more accurate than an echocardiogram and it is non-invasive:.

Like I said I've had so many tests I am no longer able to keep up with what and when. I think I'm getting more frequent visits from Al.

Sorry Jessie.


Wall Motion Test

by SMITTY - 2008-08-06 10:08:28

Hey Jessie,

I had one of more of those - I've had so many tests in the last 8 to 10 years I no longer try to keep count.

The wall motion test, also known as the MUGA test, is described as "multi gaited acquisition to check the motion of the left ventricle wall, etc." To me it is another just another variation of the echo cardiogram.

I may be wrong on this, but I think it is a procedure by which they can think they an get a more accurate readout on a person's ejection fraction, among other things.

I wish your hubby the best,


i know your friend al

by jessie - 2008-08-06 11:08:46

i have recently had visits from al my self. you are very witty smitty. so thanks for the info i keep hoping this teat will turn out okay but i also have grave reservations jess

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