questions on new pacemaker

Hi, I had my first pacemaker- a BIOTRONIK Evia- on 10/9. I seem to be healing well just have a few question. The last few days I am noticing a sting/pinch- like feeling where the pacer sits. It is short-term and not painful, just annoying. Anyone know if that is just the healing process?
Also, I was used to feeling my heartbeat all the time ( part of the hazard of dysautonomia). The first 10 days or so things were quiet and nice. Now I am starting to feel the beats again, mostly in the morning. It is not uncomfortable but I was hoping that was. over. Do others feel this?

I am feeling much better with a resting heartbeat of 60-80 ( rather than 40/50). I see my cardiologist and the tech. on the 15th. - do they try to change the settings at that point? Thank you for any info.



by dolly74 - 2013-10-30 07:10:19

hi i sometimes find i have same problem im on my third pm and its only now i realise that when i think about it i feel my heart racing more...i panic so much u oul think by now i would be used to it...


by ladybug55 - 2013-10-31 01:10:21

This was the same person that changed my resting rate and all of a sudden I went from 60-80 to 105. 40 minutes later when it was still like that and I was close to passing out....two calls later the doctor saw me and said it would be lowered to 60/80. The tech. comes in and tries to tell me my heart rate was 105 ( for an hour at this point) due to anxiety. No, it was because you set it there, I assert.

My heart rate did not get that high after an hour of exercising so that did not feel good. It took a long conversation before the tech. backed off on the anxiety nonsense. Anger yea, anxiety no.......

I will get report next time, and it is a different tech. Thank you.

Ditto that!

by IdyGal - 2013-10-31 01:10:28

I'm with Moner. Prob part of the healing process but keep an eye on it espec if you have INCREASED pain, swelling, redness, fever or any other signs of an infection. That warrants a call to the doc before the weekend. Don't forget that there should always be a doc avail to you by phone, even on a weekend. The thought of getting an infection always worried me.

I had a PM put in 9/2011 and just had a pacer/defibrillator put in last month. My wound is closed up but the defibrillator is so much larger that I am feeling many of the same feelings you are. As far as the change in feeling your heartbeat....I'd have to say call them on that question. It's likely related to the PM firing but it's always nice to know for sure. Next few times it happens jot down the date/time and any activity you were doing so they can compare it to any PM activity. That will be your 'for sure' answer.

Will be interested in what your doc has to say about this. Come back and let us know, okay?

Very Interesting

by Moner - 2013-10-31 02:10:39

Now it makes sense why the reluctance to handing over the report.

Good idea to change the tech, I hope you get one who listens and knows what there doing.

Maybe you can mention the negitive expierence you had with the prior tech, just to let them know, you wanted to be taking seriously.

Good luck!!


by ladybug55 - 2013-10-31 08:10:02

Thanks for the responses. No sign of infection, and scar is healing beautifully, so that is food.

When you say ask for detailed copy of settings Moner is that the printout after they interrogate the pacer. I asked for that in the hospital and the tech. said I would not understand it and did not give it to me......I was not in any mood to disagree at that point as I was not feeling too well.

Also, I have always felt my heartbeat so wonder if that is just how it is - especially when I wake. I believe the pacemaker works 100 percent of the time as my heart never or rarely gets to 60 bmp on its own. I will ask.

It's none of their...

by donr - 2013-10-31 09:10:15

...^%$#$$%^ business whether you'll understand it or not! It is YOUR RIGHT to have a copy of the records. That's the reason the word "WHY" exists in English - so that you can LEARN what is happening to you.

Every hosp in the US should have a records dept. Go there & ask for a copy of the report. They cannot give it to anyone w/o your approval, anyway. You fill out a form, sign it & they give you a copy of the record.

A lot of us have our cardios & PM Reps trained well enough that they hand it to you when you stick out your hand & say "May I.....?" Then they answer questions. Mine are so well trained that if a bell rings, they drool!


Give Me a Break!!

by Moner - 2013-10-31 12:10:08

Talk about a high handed approach, I echo Don's sentiment 10 fold.

As Dear Old Frank would say, if they give you that line of BS, have them put it in writng.

Get that report, NO if and or buts!!!!!!!!!!.




by Moner - 2013-10-31 12:10:58

Hi Ladybug!!

I'm willing to bet the sting/pinch sensation you're experiencing are just the nerves knitting back together.

I still get that, especially after a long work out.

My pacemaker was implatned January 2012.

Make sure you get a detailed copy of your settings on the 15th for you're own benefit, if you have any questions, you can share them with us, we might be able to help.


Ya know.......

by IdyGal - 2013-11-01 03:11:43

Half of all doctors and medical personnel graduated in the bottom half of their class. They are just people with a job and the ones with the attitude you described prob were not at the top of their class. Professionals with confidence of the quality of their work wouldn't hesitate to accommodate your request. Trust me. I was a nurse before being disabled in 2005 by scoliosis.

Don't forget that you're the consumer. Your healthcare is the product. Don't ever allow them to intimidate you. They are just regular people with a job and half of them graduated in the bottom 50 percentile!

You know you're wired when...

You can feel your fingers and toes again.

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Hang in there; it does get better every day!