Please comment!

How much / how intensive exercise can I do after the pace maker is put in? As much as I used to do?
I feel lot of palpitations in the night especially when i cant sleep. Coffee seems to keep me awake, and at such time I feel a lot of palpitation. Is it normal? I am 58 and had my pm put in last February. Taking 2.5 mg concor.
Climbing steps and walking uphill makes my chest and legs very heavy. Is it normal?



by Tattoo Man - 2013-02-06 04:02:20

.........................................this is where we all become CSI in no order :

Caffeine does crank you up.

How long since implant ?

Exercise...define 'intensive'..

Look up Vaso-Vagal nerve.

Have your settings been finalised / reviewed ?

Feeling Yukky is better than feeling dead.

Good to talk to a fellow 'Larndener'
Tattoo Man


by Tracey_E - 2013-02-06 10:02:12

As long as your dr clears you, you should be able to do whatever you want.

The heavy feeling could be meds, could be pm settings, could be something else, it's hard to say. Tell your dr about it and don't push it to hard until you get some answers. Sometimes running on a treadmill while hooked up to the pm computer tell them what's going on.

If caffeine might be causing the problems, the obvious answer seems to be go a few days without it and see how you feel. I can't tolerate it at all.

Check Your PM Settings

by Many Blessings - 2013-02-07 09:02:09


When my settings are wrong, my legs feel very heavy and I have a hard time walking, especially up stairs. My arms also feel this way. In fact, I just about can't make it up the stairs. I also feel heaviness in my chest and like I just can't move without really having to concentrate on it. I also get very out of breath, dizzy, and tingly, especially in my face.

As soon as they get my settings right, this totally goes away and I'm good to go!

I have this trouble when my rate response is set wrong. Because I'm very active & hyper, they tried setting it for an active person. This did NOT work for me at all. When they changed it back, I felt great.

Do have them try and change your settings a little here and there to see if that helps. I'm with TraceyE... Don't give up until you feel good. Speak up and don't let it go until you don't feel those feelings any longer. Whether it's the drugs, your settings or something else.

If it were me, I'd ask them to change your settings first to see if that would work. That's only because I've had several issues with mine. When they're wrong, you feel like crap. When they're right, you're feeling good!

Take care and good luck!

PS: Go call right now! :)

You know you're wired when...

You forecast electrical storms better than the weather network.

Member Quotes

I, too, am feeling tons better since my implant.