Identity pacemakers
- by somat
- 2015-12-03 09:12:38
- General Posting
It has been a while I visited this website or st. judes. I am close to 9 years on my 1st PM, so I started looking around if there are any new devices. I noticed that, there are no dual chamber Identity pacemakers listed in St. Jude website, did I miss something ? The website only shows the Identity single chamber device. Did they happen to rename the product line? Your answers are highly appreciated.
Also, anyone knows, what kind of signals/warnings does Identity ADx XL 5386 pacemaker gives out when it is nearing end of life?
by GrandmaD - 2015-12-07 04:12:57
The only way to know the signals is to ask your EP or Cardiologist.PMs have various ways of notification,but it depends on what they have set them at.
Personally I have a SJM ICD that is set for a physical warning at my request.
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replacement time
by Tracey_E - 2015-12-04 02:12:33
They are always coming out with new and improved ones. I don't know all the names, but I'm on #4 and every one has had a different name than the one before it.
What they do at the end varies. As far as I know, SJM does not have an audible sound at end of service. When they check it, they can tell you how many months until elective replacement mode. At that point, you have about 3 months until it reaches end of service mode. Some of them are fully functional during eri, then pace at a steady rate once you get to eos. I have a 6 yr old SJM Zephyr and was told that when it gets to eri, non-essential functions would start to turn off but I wouldn't notice the difference. I've always had mine replaced during eri so I've never felt a difference.