Really,... it happened!

Ok so here is what happened while I was getting my pacemaker installed.
The sedation used is called “conscious sedation” because they can talk to you during surgery but you never remember anything. Apparently I was on the table but must have been a little light on the sedation portion as I overheard the doctor having trouble saying the word “Sheath”. He told me after surgery that I woke up enough to say “Can you say that in mixed company?” He said he asked the others in the operating room if I just came out of anesthesia enough to crack a joke and go back out. He told me the o-r was roaring in laughter.

A week after surgery I was being checked out by the “device nurse”. He showed me the difference of my pacemaker pacing at 80 vs. 120 bpm. I could almost tell a difference but then it dawned on me…. I remembered seeing Ironman doing battle in the Avengers movie where after getting hit with a high voltage charge his suit was running at 400% efficiency, so I asked the device nurse that if he cranked up my pacemaker to around 1000 beat per minute could I jump over tall buildings and stuff? Guess not. (sigh… oh well it was worth asking about I guess.)


I believe it

by Grateful Heart - 2013-01-22 01:01:11

When I was having a lead revision, I woke up during the last 3 stitches and FELT all 3. I told the doctor I could feel that stitch. He yelled over to someone (anaesthesiologist??) there was no response ...and then kept stitching the last 2. My knee flew up in the air and someone pushed it down...each time. Needless to say, I wasn't prepared for that.

No one in the o-r was was not a fun experience.

I'm glad yours was.

Grateful Heart


by Tattoo Man - 2013-01-22 02:01:48

...................Great Story and one that confirms my deep comittment to the good old fashioned General Anaesthetic !!

Glad that you are ok.

Tattoo Man

woke up

by - 2013-01-23 03:01:27

yeah, I woke up being stitched too, I said ouch I can ferl that, they said do u have restless leg syndrome, I said not that I know of, my legs was tied down. they brought me out of the deeper sleep to see if I would stop moving my legs .. they put me back under.. woke up when they were done..

Horror stories.

by terrythetech - 2013-01-23 09:01:24

Ok so this was supposed to be a joke area of the messages. HAHA. Anyway,...

Do you know the difference between an oral and rectal thermometer?

It's the taste. They taste totally different. I know because I tested it myself.

Now get back to smiling!

Hey Texas

by Grateful Heart - 2013-01-24 03:01:45

Sorry about the scare.

Yes, this rarely happens. It is just a small handful of us you see here that had any problems in comparison to all of the members on this site and all of the PM hosts out in the world. My initial implant went fine. For me, this occurred with a lead revision and a different doctor whom I do not go to anymore. I'm sure you will be fine, especially since this is your doctor's specialty.

Keep us posted,

Grateful Heart

Scared about pain

by Texas54 - 2013-01-24 05:01:45

Thanks Greatful Heart and MzA. I read this site every day now and like it. Glad to hear one rarely feels any pain. I will let you all know how it goes with me. I live in Houston Texas which is known for their Medical Center and doctors. I am lucky to have been referred to such an experienced surgeon. He has a very good reputation.

Oh my gosh!

by Texas54 - 2013-01-24 11:01:40

These stories about waking up and feeling the cutting and stitching dose not help those who are a short time away from having a PM implanted. I am going to talk to my surgeon and try to get reassured that I won't feel any pain. I want plenty of drugs. I wish I could have a general but the Doc won't let me due to my condition. My surgeon performs PMs as his specialty so i am hoping this wont happen to me. Please tell me this rarely happens.

Texas54 and now very nervous about my upcoming PM

I have woken up several times during surgery

by kathykat11 - 2013-03-28 09:03:33

and I felt nothing. I heard plenty and my brother a nurse anethesist said the doctor must have fallen asleep for him not to feel the difference in the tension while they were bagging me it is harder to breathe for a conscious person the one who is fully out. I had pipes in my mouth or I would have told hem I was not under.

You know you're wired when...

You can proudly say you’re energy efficient.

Member Quotes

I am 100% pacemaker dependant and have been all my life. I try not to think about how a little metal box keeps me alive - it would drive me crazy. So I lead a very active life.