Got pregnant a little too soon
- by KelsieM
- 2013-01-08 07:01:28
- General Posting
I was planning on waiting until my battery got changed to get pregnant. My husband and I were ready to try after I planned to get my battery replacement in about 6 weeks... Well....I just found out I was pregnant 5 days ago... Very early stages... Only about 3 weeks along... Got my PM checked today and it says it could go to battery save mode from now until 6 months from now... So I scheduled it in for next Friday.. My heart doctor did not have much input on it at all... I asked him what he thought and for some reason he didn't have much input, just left it up to me?! I go see obstetrician on Wednesday and I will ask him about it... Should I wait until second trimester, or just get it over with. I've had mine since I was 18 and I'm 31, this is my second battery replacement...any experience? Can the anesthesia harm the pregnancy this early on? I don't want to let the PM go to battery save because its a shitty feeling. I have complete heart block..... Any suggestions ladies??
oh wow
by Tracey_E - 2013-01-08 12:01:03
Gotta love those well thought out plans, huh? Congratulations on your pregnancy. I also became pregnant when my battery was low. My cardio just shrugged and said if we have to change it, we'll change it. I was surprised how blase he was about it. Turned out I was able to wait it out so it wasn't an issue.
I would talk to both your cardio and ob in detail before scheduling anything, don't let them brush you off. You definitely don't want to be in EOL while you're pregnant but imo 2nd trimester is better than 1st if it can wait. Ask them how soon they think you might be EOL. I'd also look into doing it with a local, at least have a discussion with the anesthesiologist in advance about the choices and impact on the baby.
Good luck!! Let us know how you are.
by Tracey_E - 2013-01-09 08:01:07
As long as you don't have any complications, flying is perfectly safe right up until the last month!
In EOL, the extra functions that allow the heart rate to go up and down with activity will turn off so you'll have a steady hr of probably 60 or so (unless you go faster on your own). It's safe, but it doesn't feel too good. The way I understand it, the baby will always get what it needs first, the mother is the one who gets shorted. Since you have up to 6 months I'd try to get to 13 weeks if it were me, wait until the placenta is fully developed. Worst case you go EOL sooner and get your dr to schedule you asap.
Talk to the anesthesiologist and your ob about the pros/cons of doing local vs. more, and any potential effect on the baby. Can't say I'd want to do it with a local either because I'm totally squeamish, but we have quite a few members who have done it that way by choice. Recovery is a lot faster.
Thanks so much!
by KelsieM - 2013-01-14 08:01:30
Yeah I decided to go ahead and wait until second trimester for the battery replacement. I had a miscarraige last year and don't want it to happen again :(. Also, I don't use the motion sensor in my PM. I have that setting turned off. So does that mean nothing will change for me if it goes on EOL? Yeah I've been really dizzy since pregnant it's really weird. I eat often, drink tons of water, take my prenatals and I have the worst vertigo. However EKG and pacemaker are's very annoying. Maybe just normal in pregnancy..? Anyway, thanks for all the support and feed back everyone!!
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Thank you for the feed back
by KelsieM - 2013-01-08 03:01:50
Yeah, a local was spoken about, but I'm really scared to do that... They said I have 6 months maximum before EOL... I'm also scared of it going on that ... Oh and flying isn't safe?? I discovered I was pregnant on jan. 4 but had just flown home from Australia on jan. 2. I'm only 3 weeks pregnant today. Would that be dangerous? Yes and I had a miscarraige in December of 2011 by no known reason... So I know early pregnancies are precarious. I'll wait and do my research. Thank you guys so much for taking time to respond!!!! Xo