Shortness of breath

I had my pacemaker fitted nearly 2 years ago now and recently getting very short of breath, does anyone else experience this ever?


Other changes

by Kady12.5 - 2013-10-08 06:10:14

I agree with TraceyE.We have just found out that my daughter's Thyroid has decreased further so this may be a big part of her isn't always just Cardiac.I personally find that because of her PM,whatever happens,Doctors always try to blame Heart.

Me too.

by Kady12.5 - 2013-10-08 09:10:09

Hi...if you read my posts you'll see that we're having similar problems with my daughter getting breathless and complaining of her heartbeat.We're very confused as to why she's had almost two years with her PM without a problem until now.

ditto Kady

by Tracey_E - 2013-10-08 10:10:46

I run into that all the time. Go to the gp for something that could remotely be cardiac, she sends me to the cardio, he says I'm fine, THEN the gp takes me seriously.

get checked

by Tracey_E - 2013-10-08 11:10:15

It could be the pm, it could be your heart changing, it could be something else physical, it could be diet or dehydration or the weather or any one of a thousand things. Get it checked out.

I've had a few times over the years (got my first pm in 1994) where my heart changed and we had to change up the settings to compensate. Once I had to go on a beta blocker. And once when I was sob all the time, turned out I was pregnant. Did I mention don't assume it's cardiac? ;)

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