Multaq vs. Tikosyn

I'v had my Medtronic MRI pacer for about 8 weeks now. Its for bradycardia and as many in this group I also have Aflutter. My EP has me on Multaq but I have recently read that Tikosyn is much more effective with less side affects for Aflutter. Doe's anyone here have any experience with either of these??? Any information would be appreciated.
Jack C


How are you doing on Multaq ?

by IAN MC - 2012-09-30 05:09:57

Hi Jack

If Multaq is controlling your flutter and you aren't having side - effects then there is no point in changing.

If you are having side-effects or if your flutter is not controlled then Tikosyn is worth trying

Other people's experiences don't really matter because either drug's effectiveness and side-effects may be different for you. We are all different !

Tikosyn is not all roses , it can cause life-threatening ventricular tachycardias. Multaq can cause life-threatening liver problems; both are highly unlikely though

For what it 's worth , I was offered the choice of Multaq or Tikosyn for atrial flutter. I refused both and opted for an ablation which was highly successful. According to my cardiologist cardiac ablation is now the treatment of choice for atrial flutter.

Best of luck in whatever you decide


A-Fib Meds

by J.B. - 2012-09-30 10:09:53

Hey Jack,

The point of origin in the heart or cause for A-fib can be different for each person. As a result there are some 15 to 20 or more different medicines for the treatment of A-fib. You can go to Google and put in "meds for A-fib treatment" and get lots of reading material on how A-fib can be treated. Also you can make a list of some or all of theses medications and take them to your dr and get him to tell you why he chose the one he did.

You may find that you get a short answer much shorter than this comment.



by Karen - 2012-10-01 09:10:33

I was put on Tikosyn for 5 days in the hospital. They required me to be in the hospital while I was trying this drug. Good thing I was in the hospital as I developed long QT syndrome. So they stopped the drug. They ended up shocking me to get me. Hope yours get figured out.


by Jackcouo - 2012-10-01 12:10:58

Thanks for the feedback. Its hard to know what to do. I have one doc that says I should be on Multaq and another that says Tikosyn. The one for Tikosyn says that the pacer should help control any QT syndrome and that I would feel much better. The other doc says stay on the Multaq with not much in the way of explanation. The Tikosyn doc preformed a thoroscopic maze on me o couple of years ago and I do have a lot of confidence in him, but I'm still scratching my head and wondering which is the best way to go. I am also looking into a catheter ablation but I have had 3 of those in the past so I'm not sure if I'm a candidate for that option.

Anyway thanks again for the feedback.


by fishfighter - 2012-10-02 11:10:48

Is one of my meds and I DON"T have Afib. I what a lot of heart fludder. I also take Renexion (sp?) for that too!

Haven't had any problems with taking Tikosyn. Been on it over a year. Only problem is that it is a very expencive med. Like over $600 a month.

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