Weight Loss
- by TITLE
- 2013-05-31 09:05:22
- General Posting
Although I monitor this site often I haven't posted in a while. Recently my wife and I have been dieting and I have lost 32 lbs. going for a goal of 70 lbs. (195).
I know we all know that weight plays an important role in our overall health and we each have different conditions. For me, my LBBB and dead left ventricle led to my pacer/ICD.
The weight loss (so far) has showed a definite increase in my overall health. To the point my carvedillol has been cut in half and many of the symptoms associated with the drug have gone away. My energy level is up however, I still experience periodic chest pain which has been called PVC's, muscle spasms and my imagination. I know it's real and it hurts. Mostly this happens after stress and physical activity when my body is at rest.
I think the clincher for me was that I am now 58 and being called moderately obese by my doctor embarrassed me. Food didn't taste good anymore and I felt like I was going to "pop". I want to retire someday and share my life with my 5 children and 6 granddaughters (soon to be 8).
To all of my fellow pacers around the world, young and old, I say thanks for the continued support, knowledge, dialogue and love this site has and continues to show.
You're doing great!
by Grateful Heart - 2013-05-31 03:05:17
Keep it up, it takes time. I've been on a similar journey with diet and exercise. I'm one of the few in P/T that works up a sweat. Everyone else is cool, calm and collected. No change in meds for me though....good for you.
Don't like the chest pain, have you considered a 2nd opinion to be sure?
Take care,
Grateful Heart
chest pain
by Alma Annie - 2013-05-31 08:05:42
Chest pain is NOT your imagination. I have quite a bit after heart attack 2 years ago. My cardio was fortunate to diagnose coronary artery spasm, he proved this whilst doing an ablation. It is very difficult to prove, and quite rare. It is also called Prinzmetal's angina, and has no bearing on exercise, but happens often when body is at rest. The good news is that it is rarely fatal, and I control it with the GTN spray. Not that I am saying this is your problem, but that it needs to be checked out. It always concerns me when the medics say it is one's imagination or all in the mind. You know your body and know that something is not quite right.
All the best, I hope you get it sorted
Alma Annie
Thanks to all...
by TITLE - 2013-06-04 07:06:01
The weight loss now stands at 36 with another 30+ to go. Thanks for the tips on the chest pain. We all know what we feel, hopefully someone will believe us.
Thanks again,
by TITLE - 2013-06-07 03:06:11
I'm in the printing business where everything is due yesterday. I also have 5 children, and numbers 7 and 8 for grandchildren on the way. Included are two beautiful elderly mothers we love and take care of so stress comes with the territory.
You mention Let Go or Let God. My TITLE is for Trust in the Lord Everyday. I even have it tatooed on my arm. If I didn't have God in my life I would be dead I'm sure. Your name infers some attitude yet the gentleness of a bird and I still feel your faith. I guess I too have attitude. Don't well all?
There is an inherent amount of stress that comes from depending on a device. Whether to keep you alive by assisting or as a defense in case of the dreaded SCD.
A combination of faith, family and weight loss has increased my chances for a longer life but we all know there's no certainty in anything.
Thanks again,
You know you're wired when...
Jerry & The Pacemakers is your favorite band.
Member Quotes
I have an ICD which is both a pacer/defib. I have no problems with mine and it has saved my life.
by Chels - 2013-05-31 01:05:39
Congrats on the weight loss, never easy! It's amazing how the rest of your body can kind of fall in line too. I'm sorry you're having the chest pain still, I obviously have no idea what it could be but I have plenty of PVCs and they are not at all painful, odd feeling, but no pain so I'm curious that someone suggested that's what was causing pain. I hope that too resolves itself with your continued work!!