Just a comment

Have not been on the site for a long time. Came back to alot of changes? I had tons of messagfes that I had saved, and now they are gone. Alo, had written posts that I no longer have. What is up with that? has anybody else had the same problem?


I found 2 messages by you

by admin - 2008-11-10 08:11:33


Your postings/messages have not been deleted. I found two posted by you. This one and another titled "looking for".

The only messages that have been deleted from our site are spam related and those that do not comply with our terms of use. Neither would apply to you.

Have a good day,


You know you're wired when...

You’re a battery-operated lover.

Member Quotes

I'm 43 and have had my pacemaker four weeks today. I'm looking forward to living another 50 years and this marvelous device inside me will help me do that.