Pradaxa blood thinner and Chemo.

Hi, folks not such great news as had a tiny cancer rmoved and lumpectomy and now chemo. :( and Radiation and the pacemaker will have to be removed from the right side to the left so most of this year taken up and having difficulty coping but just have to, as chemo.starts this week.
Just wondered has anyone else had chemo with a pacer and blood thinner?
All the very best


Pradaxa blood thinner and chemo.

by Phyl. - 2013-02-25 04:02:46

Thank you Hopeful Heart. It sure is a big shock and change of pace to be even asked to go back after a mammogram. Was hoping for the best but at least do not think it is the worst just a lot to contend with :)It is what it is so I just have to get on with it and as we all know we can only change what we can and accept the rest. Pre chemo things to be done today and then chemo starts until May and after that the Pacemaker has to be changed to the other side and Radiation will start not long after, but the big deal is we live in Latrobe Valley a long way from the Melbourne hospital which means long stays and expensive motels.
But I will just have to go with the flow with my wonderful husband.
All the very best to each and everyone.

thoughts and prayers

by Hope - 2013-02-25 09:02:24

Hi! Phyl, You are so courageous. I am sorry I cannot answer your question, but I want you to know I will be thinking of you and praying for you. Please let us know anytime we can try to be of help to you. Hopeful Heart

Thoughts and prayers

by jenny97 - 2013-02-26 09:02:46

I also cannot answer your question, but I wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

May you feel comfort, peace, and strength, and be surrounded by the love of your family and friends during this difficult time.


Pradaxa blood thinner and chemo.

by Phyl. - 2013-02-28 12:02:59

Thank you Jenny. I had my first Chemo. yesterday and it all went o.k. with it taking 4 hours from start to going home and three more to go. Seeing my Cardio next week to find out abour having the pacer changed over and a stint in the Hospital in Melbourne from our Country Town and then Radiation after healing to an extent which will take me well into later year.
There is not a lot we cah do when chucked a "curve ball" is there.
Thank your for your thought and prayers as it is such a big shock. I am very grateful for the mammogram picking up the cancer very early. I do not think anyone knows about Pradaxa and Chemo. I will find out along the way but thought someone might be in the same positon
All the very best

Glad to hear...

by jenny97 - 2013-03-01 09:03:27

I'm glad to hear the first chemo went well. I hope it does it's job and that your body and spirit are strong enough to withstand the side effects. It's good they caught the cancer early, but still a shock, I'm sure. The good news is that cancer treatment has come such a long way, so I hope the side effects of the treatment are minimal and the results are remission!

Glad to hear

by Phyl. - 2013-03-06 01:03:34

I am really struggling Jenny Was o.k. with the Chemo etc. going in and the next day but for 4 days was beyond dreadful with now a bit better but struggling to come to terms with putting myself thrugh it again. I will have another go as the Oncologist is lessening the Steroid dose next time so I will have another go but it is not easy.
Thanks for your support.

How are you holding up?

by jenny97 - 2013-04-01 09:04:26

I just ran across your response to me last month (there are no alerts when it's a response to a comment rather than a post-at least as far as I know). But I wanted to check in and see how things are going and how you're feeling. I hope the chemo has continued to go well (or as well as can be expected, since chemo is really a terrible treatment). I hope you are getting the desired results and feeling strong and comforted.

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At age 20, I will be getting a pacemaker in few weeks along with an SA node ablation. This opportunity may change a five year prognosis into a normal life span! I look forward to being a little old lady with a wicked cane!