6 week check up
- by kiwigirl
- 2012-09-26 08:09:04
- General Posting
Hi Everyone
six weeks ago I went in for a checkup & the tech told me that I would possibly be having my pm changes within 6-8weeks & she scheduled me for a six week check.
yesterday, I went in for the check, & this time the tech told me the battery had at least 1 - 7 months worth of power left. to put it mildly, I was not pleased when he told me that I would have to wait at least another 2 - 3 months before I had it changed.
I told him that I didn't want to wait that long as I am exhausted & want my life back. (I cant walk far without feeling like I have run a marathon). A walk down my drive & back leaves me breathless for at least 10-15 minutes.
I told him that I want the pm changed by the end of October & he gave me a look as if to say "yeah right, dream on"
What do I have to do to get someone to listen to me?
by kiwigirl - 2012-09-27 12:09:22
last time (6 1/2 years ago) I was told I needed a replacement, & within 10 days I had it done. So I don't know why I'm being mucked about this time.
don't have to go through insurance, it's done through public health system
You know you're wired when...
The dogs invisible fence prevents you from leaving the backyard.
Member Quotes
It may be the first time we've felt a normal heart rhythm in a long time, so of course it seems too fast and too strong.
by Tracey_E - 2012-09-26 10:09:42
It depends on your insurance and health care system. Some will do it electively when you get close to the end, some require you wait until it's in EOL (end of life) rather than ERI (elective replacement, still has full function). It sounds like you are already in EOL, so unless the drs are booked I don't know why you'd have to wait so long. Is it typical to wait that long in NZ?