Latest on fires

Thank you to all PM pals who have showed such concern. Our night passed uneventfully and there were no folks at the evacuation centre this morning when we went into town to shop. The fire is still burning but our temperatures have dropped significantly and we even had a sprinkling of rain am.

Unforntunately even we do not get too much news about our own area as it is focussed on the mainland of Austalia which is burning away. Our family is safe and and we are still keeping a visual watch across the hills in case the fire comes any nearer to our property. My heartfelt thanks to all you wonderful folks. Alma Annie has phoned again to see if we are safe and said we could evacuate to her place if we had to. What a wonderful Christian lady. It is times like this that one finds their true friends and supporters. thank you all again. Please keep up the positive thoughts and prayers for all those suffering. thank you. Billie


I can understnd the feelings

by ElectricFrank - 2013-01-09 02:01:08

I spent one night at my bothers mountain cabin in Arizona with a wild fire just a few miles away over a ridge. It's scarey.

Best wishes,



by Blue - 2013-01-09 04:01:15

The fire has regenerated and high temperatures are expected tomorrow. Would you believe we have snow on the mountains. the world climate has gone mad with the rest of the world.!!!

thanks Frank and others for your support and comments.
Another watchful night for us.


oh my

by jessie - 2013-01-09 05:01:33

never a dull moment for sure for you and brian.will be thinking of you and waiting to hear...good news jessie

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