I am SO frustrated !

I have been banned from the treadmill and my 5k training until I can get a hold of one of my cardiologists.  My husband is freaking out about my atrial flutter report of 380bpm yesterday. No one thinks I should be running, but every "off" day from training makes it that much harder to get back into the groove of things. Plus the race is Dec. 6th.
This really is horrible. How come just ONE thing can’t go MY way for a change?  I hate all this waiting.  My local cardiologist has yet to read my chart from yesterday’s pacer check, but it’s on the top of the stack sitting on his desk. He’s out of town until Monday. Even then, he won’t read my pacer check until Monday evening probably. My EP nurse in Atlanta is on vacation all next week, and is inaccessible today.

I’m glad some people have all the time in the world. I know I’m not the ONLY patient they have, but waiting sure is hard sometimes, and I hate people telling me that I can’t do something.  It’s the Taurus in me, I guess


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