OKAY, and I thought I heard everything...

Hello again, everyone. Thank you all again for your feedback and suggestions. I welcome them all.

Well, my doc got the report from the last scan showing something was happening near the pacemaker. After waiting for the entire week on the edge of the seat despite several phone attempts by me, I got no response from him or his nurse. Finally I called again today (one week later) and I finally spoke to his nurse. Apparently, the doc said the result of my last scan wasn't strong enough to support clinically doing anything about the pacemaker. When I asked again about the swelling in my arm, she said he doesn't know anything about that because he's only a pacemaker guy. She said he's never seen anything like this before with pacemakers and doesn't know what to do (and this is a major medical center!). There was no mention of further evaluation by him of this problem--including a venogram. They basically said it's in my hands now. (I am not surprised, I have to do everything to get these people to listen. Another specialist blew me off several years ago for another problem she said I didn't have when I had it very severely).

I wish I was making this up, because I am not. My arm is still swollen. This inside of my elbow looks like I have the mumps and I have to keep from bending it because it's so uncomfortable. So now I am on to further pursuit of my own. And with my clotting test at 4,000, I don't plan to back down until I get an answer. I think I may be headed to the ER as some have suggested.

Thank you again to everyone for letting me share this and for the support.


I would be angry

by Suze - 2007-07-02 06:07:09

I would be so angry and upset if this happened to me. How dare they ignore this problem. At least they could recommend a specialist or something.

I'd go to the ER and really complain. If they can't help you there, they would probably set up an appointment with the appropiate follow up doctor.

It's worth a try.

I'm sorry you have to go through this. It's not fair at all.
Keep us updated, please....

Take care and God Bless,


You know you're wired when...

You have a maintenance schedule just like your car.

Member Quotes

In fact after the final "tweaks" of my pacemaker programming at the one year check up it is working so well that I forget I have it.