Tykosin Side Effects

I recently had a bout with Afib and required the Cardioversion to get me back on track. I was prescribed Tykosin (250mg) and Coumadin. After about a week I am noticing that when I stand from a sitting position or when I bend over then stand up I am getting light headed or dizzy. It is a uncomfortable feeling where sometimes my eyes are open but I almost black out. I was wondering if anyone else had experienced these same side effects or something similar.



by craig1075 - 2009-03-15 08:03:48


I would first like to ask you a question. Were you started on Tykosin in hospital on a telemetry unit. If not, I wonder why as there are strict guidelines for starting someone on this drug, which include three days of in hospital observation on a telemetry unit to address potential adverse side affects that can be life threatening.

Last Novemeber I was started on Tykosin in hospital. I experienced complications that put me into Vtach. I remember when it happened feeling if I was going to pass out. Needless to say I was taken off Tykosin.

I would not hesitate to call your cardiologist and let him/her know the symptoms you are experiencing.

Hope this helps.



by Nim Rod - 2009-03-15 09:03:17

Possible Side Effects: CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if you experience severe or continuing diarrhea, unusual sweating, vomiting, loss of appetite, or unusual thirst. CONTACT YOUR DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY if you experience the following side effects or symptoms of toxicity: fainting, chest pain, DIZZINESS, or very fast heartbeat. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist.


by Twila - 2015-04-02 09:04:30

I am on tikosyn and I do have dizziness and light headedness after bending over and sometimes when getting up. My Dr knowes this and has checked my blood pressure when setting and then again when I stand and my blood pressure is dropping quite a bit when standing. But he didn't change anything.mso I think it must be the Tikosyn.

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