feeling a little funny

Hi, thanks for allowing me to join the pm club.I received my pm on Feb. 18th,2009 for 2:1 block bradycardia.I was just wondering how long will it take to get use to the device, still a little funny feeling like bloating and gassy once that passes i feel better could it be more of nerves or what. I check pulses from time to time and they are still up to where they were set at. will go to see Dr. on Fri.27th.



by Pookie - 2009-02-26 02:02:35

Welcome to the best support group you'll ever find.

Wow, you are a "newbie" with just having your pacemaker inserted 8 days ago. I've had mine for a little over 4 years.

Recovery is different for everyone. Some people can go back to work within a few days, some people (like me) took a month off, then returned.

As long as you don't have shortness of breath or dizziness and your incision is not red, swollen, or painful, you should be okay. ANY pain should be immediately checked out by a doctor. Also be careful on how much you use your arm that is on the same side as the pacemaker...did your doctor give you any instructions to take home with you? If you don't feel "right", call the doctor, don't let things wait.

I wish you all the best and aren't yah glad you found us!



by ElectricFrank - 2009-02-27 12:02:20

It is common practice to leave the pacemaker set to the factory default settings until the first checkup. This is partly to let the leads settle in, and also gives them some data to guide the adjustments. As long as they don't leave it that way for too long ( I have heard of people not having the first adjustment for 3-4 weeks) it makes sense. Until then you will probably feel some strange sensations.



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