what to expect in healing

I had a pacemaker with 2 leads implanted Jan 29 - have had a few episodes of pretty emphatic irregular heartbeats - mostly at night when retire but one during day - also feel tired, kind of shakey, no energy & every now and then some chest pain short lived thank goodness - thought by now would be feeling great - is it too soon for that? They checked pm and said all working as should be and the memory printout showed Atrial Flutter so at least they caught that part, but thought it would have stopped the irregular beats. Am on Inderal 60mg LA which they increased to twice a day.

Any comments?



by ElectricFrank - 2009-02-22 01:02:40

Keep in mind a pacemaker can only help with electrical conduction problems in the heart. For this it is almost magic.

I downloaded the neurological side effects of Inderal and it could account for the tired, no energy issue. Here is the info:
Central Nervous System: Light-headedness, mental depression manifested by insomnia, lassitude, weakness, fatigue; catatonia; visual disturbances; hallucinations; vivid dreams; an acute reversible syndrome characterized by disorientation for time and place, short-term memory loss, emotional lability, slightly clouded sensorium, and decreased performance on neuropsychometrics. For immediate-release formulations, fatigue, lethargy, and vivid dreams appear dose-related

The irregular beats at night may be the pacemaker going through its calibration routine. The test is a lot like the one you get in the office only simpler. During the test your heart rate is programmed through several different rates. Mine goes from 55 to 100bpm. It will also cause it to skip a beat or two. For most of us it happens during sleep and we don't notice it, but if it happens during a period of light sleep it can wake you up. The time can be changed if it is interfering with sleep.


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