Circulatory Weirdness in Left Arm

I had a 2-lead Medtronic put in on Tuesday and I have some circulatory weirdness in my left arm. In certain positions (standing and sitting straight), The left hand and forearm turn red and I get numbness and tingling in my fingertips. There is only mild swelling in the hand (a feeling of "fullness" in my hand). They did two ultrasounds which found nothing. The surgeon hypothesized that the two leadwires were obstructing bloodflow. He discussed another procedure where they rewire the leads to the outer muscle tissue of the heart. It's a lot more invasive and apparently requires more frequent battery replacement.
I'm going to give myself a couple weeks and see if this arm thing gets better, worse, or stays the same.
The last thing I want is another surgery.



by Tracey_E - 2009-02-14 09:02:14

It's been less than a week, I sure wouldn't be rushing to another surgery if they didn't find anything dangerous. Have they done an echo to see if it *is* blocking anything instead of just guessing at it?

As long as they didn't find anything and it doesn't get worse, I'd wait at least 4-6 weeks and see how you feel after the swelling from surgery goes down.

I've never heard of putting the leads outside the heart. Worst case, why not reposition them inside the heart, or pull them out and try it again.

Have they interrogated to make sure it's functioning correctly?

get the venogram

by bambi - 2009-02-14 11:02:16

This is the only test that will determine what is really going on. Ultrasounds won't show anything! I have been down this path, and you must get your courage up and pursue this. There is a blockage of some sort. Without boring everyone with my experience, please private message me.I'd be happy to share what I know with you!

Reply to swelling comment

by furnhusch - 2009-02-14 11:02:44

No echo was done. They did two ultrasounds, both of which were negative. They have yet to do a venogram (?), a procedure which I am unfamiliar with. I do know that I am not keen on rushing back to surgery if I don't have to. My experience in the hospital was really difficult for me. The pacer, so far, is keeping me at a regular pulse and I feel great except for the numb/tingly/red left hand/arm. I am hoping that, given some time, my left hand/arm returns to normal or at least becomes tolerable.
During the PM implant surgery, they had to call in the radiologist to help position the wires because they said that my vein branched where it should not branch. I remember laying on the table hearing the doctor and the radiologist say things like, "this is weird" and other unsettling comments.
Don't get me wrong, because I work in the medical field and have a great respect for those who care for the sick/injured/whiney among us. I'm just kind of freaking out because on Monday, my heartrate was irregular and brady/tachy and resistant to myriad cardiac meds. Today, on Saturday, my heartrate is 60-65 and I feel great. Except that when I stand or sit, my left hand and forearm become red/slightly swollen and my fingers become numb/tingly.
I am eager and willing to wait through the healing and thankful that I have a PM. I am just nervous that something is amiss and that I may have to have further work done.

Don't rush it

by ElectricFrank - 2009-02-15 12:02:22

Keep in mind that while the surgery is simple it is still surgery with attendant inflammation and swelling. It could be nothing more than the pacemaker pocket area putting pressure on the vein. When you stand the weight of the arm hanging down pulls the clavicle downward.

If it gets worse or doesn't start to improve in a week or so then it needs more investigation. My approach was to treat the whole surgical site like a cut finger. I know from experience how long a cut takes to heal in my body and expect the same from surgery.


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I have an ICD which is both a pacer/defib. I have no problems with mine and it has saved my life.