A.M.S. episodes

Hi everyone,
Went for pacer check-up a few days ago, still pacing 99% ventrically, atrial rate up from 2.6% to nearly 4%. Tecnician said everything o.k., but I am a bit concerned. Had 7 A.M.S episodes when heart rate went to 150 0dd bpm on 6 occasions, and 256 bpm on one accasion! These only last approx 6 secs, one lasted 8 secs. I know that the A.M.S disconnects the ventricle from the atria when this happens and paces it at about 85 bpm until the heart rate comes down again . What I want to know is, does anyone else have this, what causes it and is it dangerous. I presume not cos like I said the tech said everything was fine, but it is niggling me! I go to see my cardiologist next Thursday, but I wondered if anyone could throw any light on there episodes>
Thanks Jan


Probably PAF

by chpe - 2009-09-21 06:09:07

Probably just short runs of PAF ( paroxysmal atrial Flutter/fib) these often have a rate of 250 - 350 bpm in the atria, pacemaker will not always count rates correctly as some fib/flutter waves fall in the "Blanking period" and don’t get counted some may also be too small to count.
I wouldn’t worry about these events, if they become more common or last longer some medical therapy and anti coagulation may be indicated. They should keep a track on the amount of mode switch time at your follow-ups and let you knowif this becomes advisable.

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