In Peter's honor, my story

After allowing myself some time to get over the devastating shock of loosing such a friend, I feel the need to express my feelings.

Peter Nash and I were very good friends. We met here at the Pacemaker Club after I had my PM implanted in Feb. of 2005. He and I began to chat here and it didn’t take long to see we had a lot in common. We soon became great friends.
Peter invited my husband and I to come to England for a visit in May of 2007. Oh my! the planning of the trip!! We had a blast planning and chatting about the trip. The planning in itself turned out to be great fun for both of us. Once we were there we had a marvelous time learning about England, flying his model airplanes, English food and learning about Peter’s wonderful family. Peter and Nina were wonderful to us.

Peter taught me many things about life. He taught me that I am great just being myself. I learned from him that I am beautiful, smart and I can be funny! He did wonders for my sense of wellbeing. He was always a perfect gentleman. He liked my husband, thought he was a great guy…. Which he is! Nina was always kind to us and hospitable. We always had a conversation going. He was a great listener and a fantastic fountain of information! If I needed to know how to fix anything he had a suggestion on how to do it. He respected people and always tried to see the good in them. When I told him about my most recent heart health progress his comment was an excited “FANTASTIC!” He was so very pleased for me. That was only a few days before his passing.

In closing I would like to say that I am truly going to miss Peter. My heart is heavy with sorrow but I am working hard to do as he wished … which is, for me to smile, be happy, continue to help my heart heal itself and to live a long and healthy life. This is my challenge… and I accept it in Peter’s honor. I will do as he wished!

So Peter Nash, if you are listening, I wish you a peaceful and happy journey filled with the people and the things you love. Memories of you will live forever in the hearts of so many who love you.

Proud to be one of Peter’s friends,
Love, Pacergirl



by bowlrbob - 2009-03-25 10:03:56


God bless

by sis - 2009-03-26 01:03:23

Thanks for sharing Pacergirl! This pmclub is wonderful to see how each one of the people on here form friendships and help eachother out with difficult times. I am very thankful to have found this place and each and everyone of you on here. Sending prayers to Peter's wonderful family and friends.


by tcrabtree85 - 2009-03-26 05:03:50

I remember when you went on the trip to see Peter and I remember being jealous. Though enjoyed hearing all about it when you got home. Peter helped and impacted us all and I know personally I will miss him and his guidance and the strength he had. He has taught many of us so much. My heart and prayers go out to Nina also.
With much love Peter you will be missed and thought of often.


Very Nice

by walkerd - 2009-03-26 06:03:59

Pacergirl I envy you getting to know Peter. Very very nice tribute to such a fantastic man. I know he touched so many in here with his friendship.



by searchingwoman - 2009-03-27 02:03:17

What a wonderful tribute! Friendship is one of life's most cherished gifts. It sounds like you and Peter shared that gift with each other.

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Hi, I am 47 and have had a pacemaker for 7 months and I’m doing great with it.