FDA and Plavix Issue

I could not belive this report, that Prilosec can cause the reduction of the effect of Plavix in half, my heart doctor prescribed me to take prilosec rgiht after my first stent in december of 2006.due to the 325 mil of asprin then belive caused a hole in stomach liner along with plavix, for all these years and test saying my blockages are getting larger, i wonder why, perhaps this is an cause of it.. Is any one else taking plavix with baby asprin daily, I have since I came off the 325 mil in o6. Thanks


Drug Interactions

by ElectricFrank - 2009-11-17 10:11:08

http://www.pharmasurveyor.com/ is a helpful site that lets you list the meds you are taking and then gives you a breakdown on interactions and side effects.

You don't have to register to use it.

It shows the problem you mention with Prilosec and Plavix


Plavix, aspirin, etc

by mrag - 2009-11-17 11:11:02

I'm currently on Plavix, 81mg aspirin AND coumadin and have been for the past 18 months. Plavix and aspirin (81 or 162mg) are practically automatically prescribed for everyone following drug eluding stent insertion. Do a simple Google search on "plavix aspirin" and you will get a number of detailed articles.

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