Home from the hospital...again!

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to touch base and let you know that I had my AV Node Ablation yesterday and am home again today. The procedure went well and I'm feeling better.

I did have a weird complication though. After the required 4 hours on my back after the ablation, my nurse wanted me to go for a walk. When I stood up, I had no feeling in my right leg between my knee and my ankle. If I had to imagine what a stroke felt like, that would be it. There was no feeling there at all. The nurse touched my leg, but I couldn't feel anything. Needless to say, I was back on the bed and tests were ordered. There was some hardness around the puncture wound in my right groin, and they did apply pressure which softened the area. By this morning, it was getting better and by noon it was pretty much back to normal. I'm still walking a little slow and there is still a little bit of a weird feeling in my leg, but it's much better.

Has this happened to anyone else?

Just call me the complication queen!!! I seem to get them all!!! lol




Not quite the same thing..

by turboz24 - 2009-02-26 06:02:43

I had my ablation for my VTach, and after they had me get up and start walking around, I started to leak pretty badly from one puncture wound, so she put me back in bed and basically lifted herself up off the floor when she pushed on my groin. Wow, did that hurt..... Stopped leaking, though.

Welcome Home

by craig1075 - 2009-02-26 07:02:12

Dear Debbie,

Yet again-you tell quite a story. Happy to hear you're doing better and well on the mend. I for one cast my vote to name you one of the top ten complication Queens. But more importantly, I declare you the Queen of post complication recovers.

So glad to hear you doing welling.

Take care,



by BillMFl - 2009-02-26 10:02:39

I have been numb from the neck up for years. *wink* Glad you got that procedure over with there Queenie!


by pete - 2009-02-27 02:02:34

You are obviously doing well after your complication. I cant help feeling that a small clot may have formed at the entry point in your groin possibly restricting bloodflow and causing the numbness. Hopefully it has now dissolved and all will be well. Ive had an entry made in an artery in the groin twice and they are usually very concerned about the possibility of bleeding afterwards. The first time I was told to keep absolutely still for 4 hours. The second time I was not told anything but I kept still for a few hours anyway. Thanks for letting us know how it all went. Dont forget to ask the pacing technicians if you have been left with any residual pacing ( also called an escape rhythym). They will carry out a check proceedure to find this out. This will tell you if your heart will still beat if any problems with pacing occurs. I do not have any residual pacing. Cheers Peter


by tcrabtree85 - 2009-02-27 02:02:49

Your not alone at all. I had something very similar and it just took time.Use ice packs on that groin it helped my recovery. I wish you luck and am glad it went well.


Thanks everyone

by dairyprincess - 2009-02-27 10:02:14

It's always good to get your feedba.ck. I appreciate your advice and support.


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You can hear your heartbeat in your cell phone.

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