One week post-op and now a rash?

Hey everyone,

I've had my pacemaker a whole week now and just noticed I've got a rash all over my stomach. Seems odd so I called my doctor. Waiting for a call back from them.

I also found out why they had to postpone the ablation. it was because the left side of my heart was enlarged. What does that mean?

Has anyone else had a rash after surgery?





by chicken1000 - 2009-01-30 01:01:36

If you had antibiotics during or shortly after the surgery, you could be having a delayed allergic reaction to them. Also, did they prep your chest and abdomen with betadine? You could be allergic to it. Check with your doc. Best of luck.


by SMITTY - 2009-01-30 02:01:07

Hi Debbie,I

I know Tracey has given lots of good advice on this site, but this time I have to disagree with her advice.

I think you should not take any new medication, over the counter, or otherwise, until you check with your doctor. Taking benedryl may sound good but what if the rash gets worse, or there is an adverse interaction between the benedryl and some other medication you may be taking, how do you tell the doctor what started the rash and what made it worse?

I had a rash after getting a stent (looked like I had the measles) and it was caused by the Plavix the doctor prescribed. He then had to prescribe a steroid which I had to take for ten days to get rid of that hell.

Good luck,


drug reaction

by Tracey_E - 2009-01-30 02:01:11

The only time I've had a rash like that was a reaction to antibiotics. Try a benedryl and see if it gets better, that's a simple way to test it. Then find out what they gave you so you don't take it again!


by Tracey_E - 2009-01-30 04:01:15

I said that because it's what my doctor told me to do without seeing me. Since I didn't have any other symptoms he wasn't too stressed about it, and benedryl is short acting with minimal interactions with other drugs so it's fairly harmless. But I agree, she should call the doctor. :o)


by bowlrbob - 2009-01-30 05:01:57

Yes, i had the rash as well a reation to the antibiotic. cleared up in a day or two. Then my skin peeled like a sunburn. I put that one on my med. bracelet as one not to take. Bowlrbob


by peter - 2009-01-31 02:01:27

Your heart enlagement is called "Cardiomyopathy" . You will have cardiomyopathy of your left ventricle like me. Due to your heart condition your heart muscle weakened and stretched/dilated causing the condition that you suffer from. You can have cardiomyopathy in other areas of your heart. You do not have that. You can live ok with cardiomyopathy. Cheers Peter

Thanks everyone

by dairyprincess - 2009-01-31 12:01:02

Thanks for all the responses. I appreciate your knowledge and suggestions.

I did call my doctor's office and the nurse talked to the doctor about the rash. At this point, they're not worried about it but did say if it doesn't go away by Monday, I should make an appt with my primary to have it checked out. So far, it hasn't bothered me and seems to have lightened up a bit. So I'll see what happens on Monday!

I'll keep you posted and thanks again!


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