what is going on????!!!

I hope SOMEONE has an anwswer or similar experience, OR I think I've gone nuts!
Pat few weeks Ive had a "funny" feeling in my (breastbone) happens in the evening, while i'm sitting, watching tv...even during Lost!! anyways, sometimes it travels down to the back of my legs, but it's mostly in the middle of my upper chest, not a real "hurt" per say, but a big big ACHE
Thenk during the night, it will return, 2am, etc.

Yesterdday, in the eveing it was very very intense this time, would not go away, all night is became a pain, rather than an ache, during the day, I could not bend down due to the pressure in my chest, I say my gastro doc and had ekg, a shot for the pain.

had it all day, into the night, finially, earlyin the moringing, it seemed to go away!1
I'm exhausted today, from the painful 24 hours.


yep me too

by Hot Heart - 2009-03-17 03:03:58

To me it feels as if the leads are pulling the pacemaker and i ache. If I dont wear a bra it seems worse.


by Pookie - 2009-03-17 09:03:04

could it be a lead pressing on a nerve? I'd be calling my cardiologist. Or I'd go to family doc and ask for a chest Xray and/or a CT scan.

Pain is a signal that something is wrong!!!!


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