
Hi can anyone put my mind at rest? Since having my pacemaker fitted well over a year ago i have tried a couple of beater blockers for svt and other palpitations. Havent had any luck with the meds so my cardiologist said for me to try proprananlol as it is good for the palps and it is calming. Having read the side effects that some people had a severe reaction to propranolol and the outcome was fatal i am abit afraid to take them. I do have very mild asthma at times,never had an asthma attack but get slightly wheezy for a few seconds now and then, this is so silly of me as i just worry worry worry and i dont want to keep having the svt etc but dont want to drop down dead whilst on these tablets.Have talked to my gp and he said to try them,and have called the cardiologist but havent heard back from him,am told is on holiday. im sorry if i sound very paranoid but is there any one out there who takes them and has been ok? thank you ,mandy


my experience

by muirghe - 2009-03-23 11:03:02

I have been on propanolol since the implant of my PM. I had two episodes of SVT during the surgery and was setting off high HR alarms in recovery. I am taking 12.5mg twice daily...a very small amount. My cardiologist figures that I will always be on it.
I am trying different things to bring my bp and hr down but how will I know what is lowering my bp or hr? Could be the meds, the exercise, the meditation? I find that the only side effect that I am noticing right now is cold hands and feet (more than normal). I have experienced bit of weight gain that I would like to attribute to the

I too have asthma and haven't found that the amount of propanolol that I am taking has affected it any.

Take care,



by Vai - 2009-03-23 12:03:10

When it comes to medication, we should only do what the doctors prescribed. It is not wise to self prescribe. I am not too sure what to make of the GP & cardio who tells you to try it. The doctors are the people who should be prescribing it to relieve your symptoms rather than suggesting you to try it.

Anyway I can share my experience with prapranolol but I do wish to stress each individual is different in responding to the meds. I do not have svt but I do suffer from afib, palpitations & flutters etc. I have a pacemaker since 2006 and was on propranolol (40 mg twice per day) to control the palps for about 8 months or so. No side effects other than occasional lethargy. It was deemed inadequate later and was swapped to a another med, sotalol (80mg twice a day). Even with this new med, I still get about 2% afib episodes over a 1 year period. Sometimes this episodes can be really debilitating. I was prescribed to take a 40mg propranolol whenever I get hit with such an episode. The reason told to me is that propranolol provides a overall calming effect on the whole heart muscle and significantly reduces the severity of the palpitation. It has worked for me and the effects of the afib reduces within 20 minutes of taking the propranolol. The PM is in place to support the heart rate if it gets "calmed" too much so fainting is unlikely to occur. I keep a 6 pack of 40mg propranolol with me 24 X 7.

I hope it goes well for you.

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You can take a lickin’ and keep on tickin’.

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I am just thankful that I am alive and that even though I have this pacemaker it is not the end of the world.