pain around pm

I received my pm on 11/24/08. The last couple of weeks, just every once in a while, I get a sharp pain on the right side of my pm. It's hard to describe what it feels like. I guess the closest thing would be like a shock. It's enough to bring tears to my eyes. It doesn't last long, but it's definitely noticeable.

I go next Wednesday for my first in-office interrogation. Any ideas what could be causing this pain?




by Tracey_E - 2009-02-20 09:02:52

It might be something they can fix with programming, it might be healing scar tissue, could be a lot of things. Tell them about it when you go for your interrogation.


by maryanne - 2009-02-20 10:02:09

Yes it could be the cause of a variety of things...but now having gone through 5 PM changes I think it truly is nerve causes fire like pain...shooting pain.....but at the end of the know your know best how these symptoms interfere with your daily life...when you see the folks that check your PM....mention it to them..find out if there is anything they can do...

Chances are it is nerve rejuevenation a yucky feeling I know, but it does eventually pass....but as I said you know your body best....if to bothersome seek consult.



by boatman50 - 2009-02-20 10:02:47

I have had something like that for almost the entire time (2.5yrs) but it has gotten better with time. I recently complaind about it to my cardiologist and he suggested it could be nerve damage, while in the begining it was most likely part of healing. One member had pain also and tried vibration therapy. She got a little vibrator and used it on the scar tissue each day and after a short time the pain was gone. I like to let the shower hit it myself. Good luck with it.

ditto for me

by Mayor - 2009-02-21 11:02:26

Got my PM on 11/14/08. Everything has gone real well. In fact, I just ran in a 10K race this morning and felt pretty good. But a couple of weeks ago, while shampooing my hair, I had a momentary sharp pain at the PM site. It had kind of an electrical shock feel to it, but I reasoned that if there was voltage somehow "leaking" at the PM site, the unit would not be functioning properly and I would be feeling lousy and experiencing other symptoms. I'm going to chalk it up to the fact that the implant site is still healing and tender and the movement of my left arm probably caused the PM to be jostled a little bit. I've gone back to shampooing one-handed like I did right after the implant procedure and have not had any recurrence.

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