pacemaker site hurts

hello i'm nicole
i had my pacemaker put in when i was fifteen and now am almost 21.. recently my site were the scar is hurts i can feel a dull pain.. does this indicate its time to get a new one or what is the deal?


PPM Pain

by bobad - 2008-11-15 11:11:09

Hi Nicole,

I only wore a pacer for 4 months, but here's what I have learned from my experience and research.

Pacers generators are made from metal (why???). Metal can fire off nerves, and cause muscles to cramp or twitch.

The generator and leads can shift, and press against sensitive nerves.

Bacteria can slowly colonize generators and leads, causing a mild infection. This usually occurs over weeks and months, not years. But there are rare exceptions where it takes years for bacterial colonization.

Lead insulation can start leaking, causing corrosion. Corrosion can inflame tissues.

Leads can leak current. This would cause pain only at times when your heart is being paced.

I'm sure there are other reasons for pacer pain, but that's all I can think of at the moment. I'm sure some experienced pacer wearers will chime in on this.

Best of luck,,,

It hurts

by junyerbear - 2008-11-17 03:11:42

Hi, Nicole.

I'm sorry to hear about your pain. The scar around my pacer does give me some discomfort sometimes, but it does eventually go away. I am on my 4th pacemaker. They have all hurt and given me other discomforts.
Just be sure to let your care giver know of your concerns when you go in the get it checked.
Hope you feel better soon!

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